
Nejib Zaguia

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18EEAdnan Afsar Khan, Ivan Stojmenovic, Nejib Zaguia: Parameterless Broadcasting in Static to Highly Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor and Actuator Networks. AINA 2008: 620-627
17EENejib Zaguia, Ivan Stojmenovic, Yassine Daadaa: Simplified Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Using Maximal Independent Sets. CISIS 2008: 443-448
16EENejib Zaguia, Guy-Vincent Jourdan, Mustafa Alhashem: On the Pagenumber of Bipartite Orders. CCCG 2005: 252-255
15EEMaurice Pouzet, Nejib Zaguia: N-free extensions of posets. Note on a theorem of P. A. Grillet CoRR abs/cs/0509034: (2005)
14EEGuy-Vincent Jourdan, Hasan Ural, Nejib Zaguia: Minimizing the number of inputs while applying adaptive test cases. Inf. Process. Lett. 94(4): 165-169 (2005)
13EEGuy-Vincent Jourdan, Ivan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Degree Navigator™: The Journey of a Visualization Software. Graph Drawing 2003: 491-493
12EEAla Eddine Barouni, Ali Jaoua, Nejib Zaguia: Visualizing Algorithms for the Design and Analysis of Survivable Networks. Graph Drawing 1999: 232-241
11 Ala Eddine Barouni, Ali Jaoua, Nejib Zaguia: Planar Drawing Algorithms of Survivable Telecommunication Networks. JCDCG 1998: 65-80
10EEKevin Ewacha, Ivan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Approximating the Number of Linear Extensions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 175(2): 271-282 (1997)
9EEIvan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Perpendicular orders. Discrete Mathematics 137(1-3): 303-313 (1995)
8EEWei-Ping Liu, Ivan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Automorphisms, isotone self-maps and cycle-free orders. Discrete Mathematics 144(1-3): 59-66 (1995)
7EEJules Desharnais, Nadir Belkhiter, Salah Ben Mohamed Sghaier, Fairouz Tchier, Ali Jaoua, Ali Mili, Nejib Zaguia: Embedding a Demonic Semilattice in a Relational Algebra. Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 333-360 (1995)
6 Guy-Vincent Jourdan, Ivan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Upward Drawing on the Plane Grid Using Less Ink. Graph Drawing 1994: 318-327
5EEAhmad Sharary, Nejib Zaguia: Minimizing the number of tardy jobs in single machine sequencing. Discrete Mathematics 117(1-3): 215-223 (1993)
4 Ahmad Sharary, Nejib Zaguia: On a Setup Optimization Problem for Interval Orders. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(1): 51-55 (1992)
3EENejib Zaguia: Minimizing bumps for posets of width two. Discrete Applied Mathematics 21(2): 157-162 (1988)
2EEIvan Rival, Nejib Zaguia: Greedy linear extensions with constraints. Discrete Mathematics 63(2-3): 249-260 (1987)
1EEMaurice Pouzet, Nejib Zaguia: Dimension de krull des ensembles ordonnes. Discrete Mathematics 53: 173-192 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Mustafa Alhashem [16]
2Ala Eddine Barouni [11] [12]
3Nadir Belkhiter [7]
4Yassine Daadaa [17]
5Jules Desharnais [7]
6Kevin Ewacha [10]
7Ali Jaoua [7] [11] [12]
8Guy-Vincent Jourdan [6] [13] [14] [16]
9Adnan Afsar Khan [18]
10Wei-Ping Liu [8]
11Ali Mili [7]
12Maurice Pouzet [1] [15]
13Ivan Rival [2] [6] [8] [9] [10] [13]
14Salah Ben Mohamed Sghaier [7]
15Ahmad Sharary [4] [5]
16Ivan Stojmenovic [17] [18]
17Fairouz Tchier [7]
18Hasan Ural [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)