
Mario Milanese

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8EEMario Milanese, Carlo Novara: Computation of local radius of information in SM-IBC identification of nonlinear systems. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 937-951 (2007)
7EEKenneth Hsu, Carlo Novara, Tyrone Vincent, Mario Milanese, Kameshwar Poolla: Parametric and nonparametric curve fitting. Automatica 42(11): 1869-1873 (2006)
6EEMario Milanese, Michele Taragna: Hinfinity set membership identification: A survey. Automatica 41(12): 2019-2032 (2005)
5EEMario Milanese, Carlo Novara: Set Membership identification of nonlinear systems. Automatica 40(6): 957-975 (2004)
4EEGiovani Pieri, Michel R. Klein, Mario Milanese: A Knowledge Based System for the Maintenance of Chemical Plants and Its Implementation Using OPTRANS. IEA/AIE 2001: 777-790
3EEMario Milanese, Antonio Vicino: Information-Based Complexity and Nonparametric Worst-Case System Identification. J. Complexity 9(4): 427-446 (1993)
2EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Mario Milanese, Antonio Vicino: Conditionally optimal algorithms and estimation of reduced order models. J. Complexity 4(1): 73-85 (1988)
1EEMario Milanese, Roberto Tempo, Antonio Vicino: Strongly optimal algorithms and optimal information in estimation problems. J. Complexity 2(1): 78-94 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth Hsu [7]
2Boleslaw Z. Kacewicz [2]
3Michel R. Klein [4]
4Carlo Novara [5] [7] [8]
5Giovani Pieri [4]
6Kameshwar Poolla [7]
7Michele Taragna [6]
8Roberto Tempo [1]
9Antonio Vicino [1] [2] [3]
10Tyrone Vincent [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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