
Boleslaw Z. Kacewicz

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19EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Pawel Przybylowicz: Optimal adaptive solution of initial-value problems with unknown singularities. J. Complexity 24(4): 455-476 (2008)
18EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Leszek Plaskota, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski: Issue dedicated to Professor Henryk Wozniakowski. J. Complexity 23(4-6): 421-422 (2007)
17EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Almost optimal solution of initial-value problems by randomized and quantum algorithms. J. Complexity 22(5): 676-690 (2006)
16EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Improved bounds on the randomized and quantum complexity of initial-value problems. J. Complexity 21(5): 740-756 (2005)
15EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Asymptotic setting (revisited): analysis of a boundary-value problem and a relation to a classical approximation result. J. Complexity 20(5): 796-806 (2004)
14EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Randomized and quantum algorithms yield a speed-up for initial-value problems. J. Complexity 20(6): 821-834 (2004)
13EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: How to minimize the cost of iterative methods in the presence of perturbations. J. Complexity 19(1): 85-99 (2003)
12EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Complexity of Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems. J. Complexity 18(3): 702-738 (2002)
11EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Marek A. Kowalski: Recovering Linear Operators from Inaccurate Data. J. Complexity 11(2): 227-239 (1995)
10EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Leszek Plaskota: The Minimal Cost of Approximating Linear Operators Using Perturbed Information-The Asymptotic Setting. J. Complexity 9(1): 113-134 (1993)
9EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Leszek Plaskota: Noisy information for linear problems in the asymptotic setting. J. Complexity 7(1): 35-57 (1991)
8EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: On sequential and parallel solution of initial value problems. J. Complexity 6(2): 136-148 (1990)
7EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Mario Milanese, Antonio Vicino: Conditionally optimal algorithms and estimation of reduced order models. J. Complexity 4(1): 73-85 (1988)
6EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Minimum asymptotic error of algorithms for solving ODE. J. Complexity 4(4): 373-389 (1988)
5EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Asymptotic error of algorithms for solving nonlinear problems. J. Complexity 3(1): 41-56 (1987)
4EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Optimal solution of ordinary differential equations. J. Complexity 3(4): 451-465 (1987)
3EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski: How powerful is continuous nonlinear information for linear problems? J. Complexity 2(4): 306-316 (1986)
2EEBoleslaw Z. Kacewicz: Integrals with a Kernel in the Solution of Nonlinear Equations in N Dimensions. J. ACM 26(2): 239-249 (1979)
1 Boleslaw Z. Kacewicz, Henryk Wozniakowski: A Survey of Recent Problems and Results in Analytic Computational Complexity. MFCS 1977: 93-107

Coauthor Index

1Marek A. Kowalski [11]
2Mario Milanese [7]
3Leszek Plaskota [9] [10] [18]
4Pawel Przybylowicz [19]
5Antonio Vicino [7]
6Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski [3] [18]
7Henryk Wozniakowski [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)