
Alessandro Mecocci

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23EEAlessandro Mecocci, Francesco Micheli: Real-Time Automatic Detection of Violent-Acts by Low-Level Colour Visual Cues. ICIP (1) 2007: 345-348
22EEAlessandro Mecocci, Capasso Tommaso: Generative Models for License Plate Recognition by using a Limited Number of Training Samples. ICIP 2006: 2769-2772
21EEAlessandro Mecocci, Massimo Pannozzo: A completely autonomous system that learns anomalous movements in advanced videosurveillance applications. ICIP (2) 2005: 586-589
20EEAlessandro Mecocci, Gregorio Molinari: RGS: novel blind color-recovery technique with applications to complex outdoor scenes. ICIP (3) 2005: 956-959
19 Alessandro Mecocci, Francesco Falconi: Psychovisual masks and intelligent streaming RTP techniques for the MPEG-4 standard. VCIP 2003: 532
18 Mauro Barni, Alessandro Mecocci, L. Perugini: Craters Detection via Possibilistic Shell Clustering. ICIP 2000
17 Lorenzo Favalli, Alessandro Mecocci, Fulvio Moschetti: Object tracking for retrieval applications in MPEG-2. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(3): 427-432 (2000)
16EELorenzo Favalli, Alessandro Mecocci: Improving rate and quality in MPEG 2 sequences using global motion information. ISCAS (4) 1999: 223-226
15EEPaolo Gamba, Alessandro Mecocci: Perceptual grouping for symbol chain tracking in digitized topographic maps. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(4): 355-365 (1999)
14EEA. Betti, Mauro Barni, Alessandro Mecocci: Using A Wavelet-Based Fractal Feature to Improve Texture Discrimination on SAR Images. ICIP (1) 1997: 251-254
13EEPaolo Gamba, M. Lilla, Alessandro Mecocci: A Fast Algorithm for Target Shadow Removal in Monocular Colour Sequences. ICIP (1) 1997: 436-439
12EEPaolo Gamba, M. Lilla, Alessandro Mecocci: Extraction of Discontinuous Chains of Symbols by Means of Perceptual Grouping. ICIP (2) 1997: 422-425
11EEPaolo Gamba, Roberto Lodola, Alessandro Mecocci: Scene interpretation by fusion of segment and region information. Image Vision Comput. 15(7): 499-509 (1997)
10EEMauro Barni, Vito Cappellini, Alessandro Mecocci: Colour-based detection of defects on chicken meat. Image Vision Comput. 15(7): 549-556 (1997)
9 Mauro Barni, Vito Cappellini, Alessandro Mecocci: A Vision System for Automatic Inspection of Meat Quality. ICIAP 1995: 748-753
8EEMauro Barni, A. W. Mussa, Alessandro Mecocci, Vito Cappellini, Tariq S. Durrani: An intelligent perception system for food quality inspection using color analysis. ICIP 1995: 450-453
7EEAlessandro Mecocci, Giuliano Benelli, Andrea Garzelli, Sebastiano Bottalico: Radar image processing for ship-traffic control. Image Vision Comput. 13(2): 119-128 (1995)
6 Franco Bartolini, Vito Cappellini, Alessandro Mecocci, R. Vagheggi: A Segmentation-Based Motion-Compensated Scheme for Low-rate Video Coding. ICIP (2) 1994: 457-461
5EEFranco Bartolini, Vito Cappellini, Alessandro Mecocci: Counting people getting in and out of a bus by real-time image-sequence processing. Image Vision Comput. 12(1): 36-41 (1994)
4 Fabrizio Argenti, Giuliano Benelli, Alessandro Mecocci: Source Coding and Transmission of HDTV Images Compressed with the Wavelet Transform. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(1): 46-58 (1993)
3EEAlessandro Mecocci: PC-based system for transparent fluid film monitoring. Image Vision Comput. 9(2): 100-106 (1991)
2 Vito Cappellini, L. Mattii, Alessandro Mecocci: An intelligent system for automatic fire detection in forests. Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and Recognition 1989: 351-364
1EEVito Cappellini, Alberto Del Bimbo, Alessandro Mecocci: Object decomposition and subpart identification - classification algorithms. Image Vision Comput. 2(2): 109-113 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Fabrizio Argenti [4]
2Mauro Barni [8] [9] [10] [14] [18]
3Franco Bartolini [5] [6]
4Giuliano Benelli [4] [7]
5A. Betti [14]
6Alberto Del Bimbo [1]
7Sebastiano Bottalico [7]
8Vito Cappellini [1] [2] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
9Tariq S. Durrani [8]
10Francesco Falconi [19]
11Lorenzo Favalli [16] [17]
12Paolo Gamba [11] [12] [13] [15]
13Andrea Garzelli [7]
14M. Lilla [12] [13]
15Roberto Lodola [11]
16L. Mattii [2]
17Francesco Micheli [23]
18Gregorio Molinari [20]
19Fulvio Moschetti [17]
20A. W. Mussa [8]
21Massimo Pannozzo [21]
22L. Perugini [18]
23Capasso Tommaso [22]
24R. Vagheggi [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)