
Tariq S. Durrani

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9EETariq S. Durrani, Sheila M. Forbes: Science, Innovation and Competitiveness- An International Assessment and Comparison. ICC 2008: 5453-5457
8EEAmir Hussain, Simone Cifani, Stefano Squartini, Francesco Piazza, Tariq S. Durrani: A Novel Psychoacoustically Motivated Multichannel Speech Enhancement System. COST 2102 Workshop (Vietri) 2007: 190-199
7EEStefan Martin, Tariq S. Durrani: A New Divergence Measure for Medical Image Registration. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16(4): 957-966 (2007)
6EEAmir Hussain, Tariq S. Durrani, Ali Alkulaibi, Nhamo Mtetwa: Nonlinear Adaptive Speech Enhancement Inspired by Early Auditory Processing. Summer School on Neural Networks 2004: 291-316
5EESaul R. Dooley, Robert W. Stewart, Tariq S. Durrani, S. Kamal Setarehdan, John J. Soraghan: Efficient implementation of accurate geometric transformations for 2-D and 3-D image processing. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(8): 1060-1065 (2004)
4EEChristophe Lafon, Tariq S. Durrani: Bluetooth Throughput Improvement Using a Slave to Slave Piconet Formation. HSNMC 2003: 254-263
3EEMichaël A. van Wyk, Tariq S. Durrani, Barend J. van Wyk: A RKHS Interpolator-Based Graph Matching Algorithm. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(7): 988-995 (2002)
2EEMauro Barni, A. W. Mussa, Alessandro Mecocci, Vito Cappellini, Tariq S. Durrani: An intelligent perception system for food quality inspection using color analysis. ICIP 1995: 450-453
1 Kwong H. Goh, John J. Soraghan, Tariq S. Durrani: Multi-resolution Based Algorithms for Low Bit-rate Image Coding. ICIP (3) 1994: 285-289

Coauthor Index

1Ali Alkulaibi [6]
2Mauro Barni [2]
3Vito Cappellini [2]
4Simone Cifani [8]
5Saul R. Dooley [5]
6Sheila M. Forbes [9]
7Kwong H. Goh [1]
8Amir Hussain [6] [8]
9Christophe Lafon [4]
10Stefan Martin [7]
11Alessandro Mecocci [2]
12Nhamo Mtetwa [6]
13A. W. Mussa [2]
14Francesco Piazza [8]
15S. Kamal Setarehdan [5]
16John J. Soraghan [1] [5]
17Stefano Squartini [8]
18Robert W. Stewart [5]
19Barend J. van Wyk [3]
20Michaël A. van Wyk [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)