
Eugene S. McVey

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6EEJay I. Minnix, Eugene S. McVey, Rafael M. Inigo: A Multilayered Self-Organizing Artificial Neural Network for Invariant Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(2): 162-167 (1992)
5EEKeith C. Drake, Eugene S. McVey, Rafael M. Inigo: Sensor Roll Angle Error for a Mobile Robot Using a Navigation Line. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 10(5): 727-731 (1988)
4EEEugene S. McVey, A. Van Tol: An experimental printed circuit board drilling system automated by pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 11(4): 271-276 (1979)
3 E. A. Parrish Jr., Eugene S. McVey: Implications of Charge-Coupled Devices for Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1146-1152 (1976)
2EER. M. Bowman, Eugene S. McVey: Calculation of multi-category minimum distance classifier recognition error for binomial measurement distributions. Pattern Recognition 4(3): 275-288 (1972)
1EER. M. Bowman, Eugene S. McVey: A method for the optimal design of a class of pattern recognition systems. Pattern Recognition 2(3): 187-197 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1R. M. Bowman [1] [2]
2Keith C. Drake [5]
3Rafael M. Inigo [5] [6]
4Jay I. Minnix [6]
5E. A. Parrish Jr. [3]
6A. Van Tol [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)