
E. A. Parrish Jr.

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4EEE. A. Parrish Jr., W. E. McDonald Jr.: An improved adaptive pattern analysis algorithm for isolating EMI. Pattern Recognition 21(2): 153-154 (1988)
3EEC. T. Dreher, E. A. Parrish Jr.: A potential discrete analog processor for pattern recognition. Pattern Recognition 13(3): 207-218 (1981)
2 E. A. Parrish Jr., Eugene S. McVey: Implications of Charge-Coupled Devices for Pattern Recognition. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(11): 1146-1152 (1976)
1EEG. E. Strohl, E. A. Parrish Jr.: A model for evaluating the effectiveness of resolution enhancement algorithms. Pattern Recognition 3(3): 325-330 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1C. T. Dreher [3]
2W. E. McDonald Jr. [4]
3Eugene S. McVey [2]
4G. E. Strohl [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)