
David F. McAllister

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11EEManuel M. Oliveira, Gary Bishop, David F. McAllister: Relief texture mapping. SIGGRAPH 2000: 359-368
10EEDavid F. McAllister, Robert D. Rodman, Donald L. Bitzer, Andrew S. Freeman: Speaker independence in automated lip-sync for audio-video communication. Computer Networks 30(20-21): 1975-1980 (1998)
9EENancy C. McAllister, David F. McAllister: Providing Education Electronically to Nontraditional Sites: New Delivery to a New Audience. SIGDOC 1996: 187-193
8EENancy Cooke, David F. McAllister: Publishing online, a commercial (ad)venture. SIGDOC 1995: 20-25
7EERen C. Luo, Yawei Ma, David F. McAllister: Tracing tangential surface-surface intersections. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1995: 255-262
6EEMurali Sitaraman, Michael B. Feldman, Gary A. Ford, William B. Frakes, Joseph E. Hollingsworth, David F. McAllister, Bruce W. Weide: What Changes Are Needed For Undergraduate CS Curricula to Educate ``Software Engineers''? TRI-Ada 1994: 220
5EEDave E. Eckhardt, Alper K. Caglayan, John C. Knight, Larry D. Lee, David F. McAllister, Mladen A. Vouk, John P. J. Kelly: An Experimental Evaluation of Software Redundancy as a Strategy For Improving Reliability. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(7): 692-702 (1991)
4 R. Keith Scott, James W. Gault, David F. McAllister: Fault-Tolerant Software Reliability Modeling. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(5): 582-592 (1987)
3 R. Keith Scott, James W. Gault, David F. McAllister: Modeling Fault-Tolerant Software Reliability. Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1983: 15-27
2 S. L. Dodd, David F. McAllister, William J. Stewart: An Iterative Method for the Exact Solution of Coxian Queueing Networks. SIGMETRICS 1981: 97-104
1EEDavid F. McAllister, Stephen M. Pizer: Applications of root finding methods for discrete rational Chebyshev approximation. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1980: 99-102

Coauthor Index

1Gary Bishop [11]
2Donald L. Bitzer [10]
3Alper K. Caglayan [5]
4Nancy Cooke [8]
5S. L. Dodd [2]
6Dave E. Eckhardt [5]
7Michael B. Feldman [6]
8Gary A. Ford [6]
9William B. Frakes [6]
10Andrew S. Freeman [10]
11James W. Gault [3] [4]
12Joseph E. Hollingsworth [6]
13John P. J. Kelly [5]
14John C. Knight [5]
15Larry D. Lee [5]
16Ren C. Luo [7]
17Yawei Ma [7]
18Nancy C. McAllister [9]
19Manuel Menezes de Oliveira Neto (Manuel M. Oliveira) [11]
20Stephen M. Pizer [1]
21Robert D. Rodman [10]
22R. Keith Scott [3] [4]
23Murali Sitaraman [6]
24William J. Stewart [2]
25Mladen A. Vouk [5]
26Bruce W. Weide [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)