
Gary A. Ford

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8EEMurali Sitaraman, Michael B. Feldman, Gary A. Ford, William B. Frakes, Joseph E. Hollingsworth, David F. McAllister, Bruce W. Weide: What Changes Are Needed For Undergraduate CS Curricula to Educate ``Software Engineers''? TRI-Ada 1994: 220
7EEGary A. Ford: The SEI undergraduate curriculum in software engineering. SIGCSE 1991: 375-385
6 Gary A. Ford, Alfs T. Berztiss, Daniel R. Bidwell, Bernice M. Folz, Norman E. Gibbs, Daniel Olivier: Graduate Programs in Software Engineering. CSEE 1990: 145-156
5 Mark A. Ardis, Gary A. Ford: SEI Report on Graduate Software Engineering Education. CSEE 1989: 208-249
4 Gary A. Ford: Anticipating the Evolution of Undergraduate Software Engineering Curricula. CSEE 1989: 263-266
3 Gary A. Ford, Norman E. Gibbs: A Master of Software Engineering Curriculum: Recommendations from the Software Engineering Institute. IEEE Computer 22(9): 59-71 (1989)
2 Gary A. Ford: Software Engineering Education, SEI Conference 1988, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, April 28-29, 1988, Proceedings Springer 1988
1EENorman E. Gibbs, Clyde Chittister, James S. Collofello, Gary A. Ford, A. Joseph Turner: The Software Engineering Institute (panel session). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 379-380

Coauthor Index

1Mark A. Ardis [5]
2Alfs T. Berztiss [6]
3Daniel R. Bidwell [6]
4Clyde Chittister [1]
5James S. Collofello [1]
6Michael B. Feldman [8]
7Bernice M. Folz [6]
8William B. Frakes [8]
9Norman E. Gibbs [1] [3] [6]
10Joseph E. Hollingsworth [8]
11David F. McAllister [8]
12Daniel Olivier [6]
13Murali Sitaraman [8]
14A. Joseph Turner [1]
15Bruce W. Weide [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)