
Nabil Shalaby

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17EEGennian Ge, Rolf S. Rees, Nabil Shalaby: Kirkman frames having hole type hu m1 for small h. Des. Codes Cryptography 45(2): 157-184 (2007)
16EESharon Koubi, Mannque Mata-Montero, Nabil Shalaby: Using directed hill-climbing for the construction of difference triangle sets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(1): 335-339 (2005)
15 Nabil Shalaby, Jianxing Yin: Maximum Complementary P3-Packings of Kv. Ars Comb. 66: (2003)
14EENabil Shalaby: The existence of near-Rosa and hooked near-Rosa sequences. Discrete Mathematics 261(1-3): 435-450 (2003)
13 Nabil Shalaby, Jianmin Wang, Jianxing Yin: Existence of Perfect 4-Deletion-Correcting Codes with Length Six. Des. Codes Cryptography 27(1-2): 145-156 (2002)
12 David A. Pike, Nabil Shalaby: The Use of Sklem Sequences to Generate Perfect One-Factorizations. Ars Comb. 59: (2001)
11EEAhmed M. Assaf, Nabil Shalaby, Jianxing Yin: Directed packing and covering designs with block size four. Discrete Mathematics 238(1-3): 3-17 (2001)
10 Eric Mendelsohn, Nabil Shalaby: On Skolem Labelling of Windmills. Ars Comb. 53: (1999)
9 Nabil Shalaby, Jianxing Yin: Nested Optimal -Packings and -Coverings of Pairs with Triples. Des. Codes Cryptography 15(3): 271-278 (1998)
8 Ahmed M. Assaf, Nabil Shalaby, L. P. S. Singh: On Packing Designs with Block Size 5 and Indexes 3 and 6. Ars Comb. 45: (1997)
7 Nabil Shalaby, Jianxing Yin: Directed Packings with Block Size 5 and Even v. Des. Codes Cryptography 6(2): 133-142 (1995)
6EENabil Shalaby: The existence of near-Skolem and hooked near-Skolem sequences. Discrete Mathematics 135(1-3): 303-319 (1994)
5 Ahmed M. Assaf, Nabil Shalaby, L. P. S. Singh: Packing Designs with Block Size 5 and Index 2: The Case v Even. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 63(1): 43-54 (1993)
4EEAhmed M. Assaf, Alan Hartman, Nabil Shalaby: Packing designs with block size 6 and index 5. Discrete Mathematics 103(2): 121-128 (1992)
3 Ahmed M. Assaf, Nabil Shalaby: Packing Designs with Block Size 5 and Indexes 8, 12, 16. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 59(1): 23-30 (1992)
2EECharles J. Colbourn, Rudolf Mathon, Alexander Rosa, Nabil Shalaby: The fine structure of threefold triple systems: u = 1 or 3 (mod 6). Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 49-64 (1991)
1EEEric Mendelsohn, Nabil Shalaby: Skolem labelled graphs. Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 301-317 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed M. Assaf [3] [4] [5] [8] [11]
2Charles J. Colbourn [2]
3Gennian Ge [17]
4Alan Hartman [4]
5Sharon Koubi [16]
6Mannque Mata-Montero [16]
7Rudolf Mathon [2]
8Eric Mendelsohn [1] [10]
9David A. Pike [12]
10Rolf S. Rees [17]
11Alexander Rosa [2]
12L. P. S. Singh [5] [8]
13Jianmin Wang [13]
14Jianxing Yin [7] [9] [11] [13] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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