
Eric Mathews

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3EESidney K. D'Mello, Eric Mathews, Lee McCauley, James Markham: Impact of Position and Orientation of RFID Tags on Real Time Asset Tracking in a Supply Chain. JTAER 3(1): 1-12 (2008)
2 David Hanson, Andrew Olney, Steve Prilliman, Eric Mathews, Marge Zielke, Derek Hammons, Raul Fernandez, Harry E. Stephanou: Upending the Uncanny Valley. AAAI 2005: 1728-1729
1EEG. Tanner Jackson, Eric Mathews, King-Ip Lin, Andrew Olney, Arthur C. Graesser: Modeling Student Performance to Enhance the Pedagogy of AutoTutor. User Modeling 2003: 368-372

Coauthor Index

1Sidney K. D'Mello [3]
2Raul Fernandez [2]
3Arthur C. Graesser [1]
4Derek Hammons [2]
5David Hanson [2]
6G. Tanner Jackson [1]
7King-Ip Lin [1]
8James Markham [3]
9Lee McCauley [3]
10Andrew Olney [1] [2]
11Steve Prilliman [2]
12Harry E. Stephanou [2]
13Marge Zielke [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)