
Christophe Le Gal

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5EEPascal Redou, Sébastien Kerdélo, Christophe Le Gal, Gabriel Querrec, Vincent Rodin, Jean François Abgrall, Jacques Tisseau: Reaction-Agents: First Mathematical Validation of a Multi-agent System for Dynamical Biochemical Kinetics. EPIA 2005: 156-166
4EEDorin Mircea Popovici, Ronan Querrec, Fabrice Harrouet, Christophe Le Gal, Luca-Dan Serbanati, Serge Morvan: VirtualDive - A VR-Based Educational Virtual Environment. SYNASC 2005: 191-198
3EEChristophe Le Gal, Jérôme Martin, Augustin Lux, James L. Crowley: Smart Office: Design of an Intelligent Environment. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(4): 60-66 (2001)
2EEDaniela Hall, Christophe Le Gal, Jérôme Martin, Olivier Chomat, James L. Crowley: MagicBoard: A contribution to an intelligent office environment. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 35(3-4): 211-220 (2001)
1EEChristophe Le Gal, Ali Erdem Özcan, Karl Schwerdt, James L. Crowley: A Sound MagicBoard. ICMI 2000: 65-71

Coauthor Index

1Jean François Abgrall [5]
2Olivier Chomat [2]
3James L. Crowley [1] [2] [3]
4Daniela Hall [2]
5Fabrice Harrouet [4]
6Sébastien Kerdélo [5]
7Augustin Lux [3]
8Jérôme Martin [2] [3]
9Serge Morvan [4]
10Ali Erdem Özcan [1]
11Dorin Mircea Popovici [4]
12Gabriel Querrec [5]
13Ronan Querrec [4]
14Pascal Redou [5]
15Vincent Rodin [5]
16Karl Schwerdt [1]
17Luca-Dan Serbanati [4]
18Jacques Tisseau [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)