
Xavier Marichal

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14EEPedro Correa, Ferran Marqués, Xavier Marichal, Benoit M. Macq: 3D posture estimation using geodesic distance maps. Multimedia Tools Appl. 38(3): 365-384 (2008)
13EEP. C. Correa Hernandez, Jacek Czyz, Ferran Marqués, Toshiyuki Umeda, Xavier Marichal, Benoit M. Macq: Bayesian Approach for Morphology-Based 2-D Human Motion Capture. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 9(4): 754-765 (2007)
12EEPedro Correa, Jacek Czyz, Toshiyuki Umeda, Ferran Marqués, Xavier Marichal, Benoît Macq: Silhouette-based probabilistic 2D human motion estimation for real-time applications. ICIP (3) 2005: 836-839
11EEFred Charles, Marc Cavazza, Steven J. Mead, Olivier Martin, Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Compelling experiences in mixed reality interactive storytelling. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 32-40
10EEMarc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead, Olivier Martin, Xavier Marichal, Alok Nandi: Multimodal Acting in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling. IEEE MultiMedia 11(3): 30-39 (2004)
9EEPaulo Villegas, Xavier Marichal: Perceptually-weighted evaluation criteria for segmentation masks in video sequences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 13(8): 1092-1103 (2004)
8EEMarc Cavazza, Olivier Martin, Fred Charles, Xavier Marichal, Steven J. Mead: User Interaction in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling. ISMAR 2003: 304-305
7EEMarc Cavazza, Olivier Martin, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead, Xavier Marichal: Interacting with Virtual Agents in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling. IVA 2003: 231-235
6EEMarc Cavazza, Olivier Martin, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead, Xavier Marichal: Users Acting in Mixed Reality Interactive Storytelling. International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2003: 189-197
5EEAlok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Is Seeing Touching? Mixed Reality Interaction and Involvement Modalities. International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2003: 198-207
4 Xavier Marichal, Toshiyuki Umeda: Real-time segmentation of video objects for mixed-reality interactive applications. VCIP 2003: 41-48
3 Alok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Senses of spaces through transfiction. IWEC 2002: 439-446
2EEAlok Nandi, Xavier Marichal: Interactive Immersive Transfiction. International Conference on Virtual Storytelling 2001: 44-50
1 Xavier Marichal, Wei-Ying Ma, HongJiang Zhang: Blur Determination in the Compressed Domain Using DTC Information. ICIP (2) 1999: 386-390

Coauthor Index

1Marc Cavazza [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
2Fred Charles [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
3Pedro Correa [12] [14]
4Jacek Czyz [12] [13]
5P. C. Correa Hernandez [13]
6Wei-Ying Ma [1]
7Benoit M. Macq (Benoît Macq) [12] [13] [14]
8Ferran Marqués [12] [13] [14]
9Olivier Martin [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
10Steven J. Mead [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
11Alok Nandi [2] [3] [5] [10] [11]
12Toshiyuki Umeda [4] [12] [13]
13Paulo Villegas [9]
14HongJiang Zhang (Hong-Jiang Zhang) [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)