
Rebeca Marfil

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8EERebeca Marfil, Antonio Bandera, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Francisco Sandoval: A Novel Hierarchical Framework for Object-Based Visual Attention. WAPCV 2008: 27-40
7EERebeca Marfil, Antonio Bandera, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Perception-Based Image Segmentation Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid. DAGM-Symposium 2007: 244-253
6EERebeca Marfil, Luis Molina-Tanco, Antonio Bandera, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: The Construction of Bounded Irregular Pyramids with a Union-Find Decimation Process. GbRPR 2007: 307-318
5EEJ. M. Pérez-Lorenzo, Antonio Bandera, P. Reche-López, Rebeca Marfil, Ricardo Vázquez Martín: An Approach to Visual Scenes Matching with Curvilinear Regions. IWINAC (2) 2007: 409-418
4EERebeca Marfil, Luis Molina-Tanco, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Real-time object tracking using bounded irregular pyramids. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(9): 985-1001 (2007)
3EERebeca Marfil, Luis Molina-Tanco, Antonio Bandera, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Pyramid segmentation algorithms revisited. Pattern Recognition 39(8): 1430-1451 (2006)
2EEJuan Pedro Bandera Rubio, Luis Molina-Tanco, Rebeca Marfil, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: A model-based humanoid perception system for real-time human motion imitation. RAM 2004: 324-329
1EERebeca Marfil, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Antonio Bandera, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Bounded irregular pyramid: a new structure for color image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 37(3): 623-626 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Bandera [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Francisco Sandoval Hernández [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7]
3Ricardo Vázquez Martín [5]
4Luis Molina-Tanco [2] [3] [4] [6]
5J. M. Pérez-Lorenzo [5]
6P. Reche-López [5]
7Juan Antonio Rodríguez [1] [3] [4] [8]
8Juan Pedro Bandera Rubio [2]
9Francisco Sandoval [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)