
Amy W. Apon

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26EEWesley Emeneker, Amy W. Apon: HPC virtual machine resource management. Mardi Gras Conference 2008: 24
25EEJens Mache, Amy W. Apon, Thomas Feilhauer, Barry Wilkinson: Grid computing at the undergraduate level: can we do it? SIGCSE 2008: 381-382
24EEHaiying (Helen) Shen, Amy W. Apon, Cheng-Zhong Xu: LORM: Supporting low-overhead P2P-based range-query and multi-attribute resource management in grids. ICPADS 2007: 1-8
23EELinh Ngo, Amy W. Apon: Using Shibboleth for Authorization and Authentication to the Subversion Version Control Repository System. ITNG 2007: 760-765
22EELinh Ngo, Amy W. Apon: Shibboleth as a Tool for Authorized Access Control to the Subversion Repository System. JSW 2(3): 78-86 (2007)
21EEYueyue Zhang, Amy W. Apon: Implementation Tradeoffs of the Array Files Library for Out-of-Core Computations. CLUSTER 2006
20EEOscar Ardaiz-Villanueva, Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Amy W. Apon, Barry Wilkinson: Collaborative and learning applications of grid technology and grid education. CCGRID 2005: 1
19EEJens Mache, Amy W. Apon: Grid computing in the undergraduate classroom topics, exercises and experiences. CCGRID 2005: 67-73
18EEBaochuan Lu, Michael Tinker, Amy W. Apon, Doug Hoffman, Lawrence W. Dowdy: Adaptive Automatic Grid Reconfiguration Using Workload Phase Identification. e-Science 2005: 172-180
17EEMark Baker, Amy W. Apon, Clayton Ferner, Jeff Brown: Emerging Grid Standards. IEEE Computer 38(4): 43-50 (2005)
16EEG. G. Amerson, Amy W. Apon: Implementation and design analysis of a network messaging module using virtual interface architecture. CLUSTER 2004: 255-265
15 Lance Johnson, Amy W. Apon: A Three-Node Ring Lock Manager. PDPTA 2004: 630-633
14EEAmy W. Apon, Larry Wilbur: AmpNet - A Highly Available Cluster Interconnection Network. IPDPS 2003: 201
13 Mujahed Ibrahim, Amy W. Apon: Sorting Using MPI and PVFS on Workstation Clusters. PDPTA 2003: 151-156
12 Yueyue Zhang, Amy W. Apon, Peter Pulay: Array Files for Out-of-Core Computations. PDPTA 2003: 191-200
11EEAmy W. Apon, P. D. Wolinski, G. M. Amerson: Sensitivity of Cluster File System Access to I/O Server Selection. CCGRID 2002: 183-
10EEAmy W. Apon, Rajkumar Buyya, Hai Jin, Jens Mache: Cluster Computing in the Classroom: Topics, Guidelines, and Experiences. CCGRID 2001: 476-483
9EEHsiang Ann Chen, Yvette O. Carrasco, Amy W. Apon: MPI Collective Operations over IP Multicast. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 51-60
8EEAmy W. Apon, Thomas D. Wagner, Lawrence W. Dowdy: A Learning Approach to Processor Allocation in Parallel Systems. CIKM 1999: 531-537
7 Parvathi Rajagopal, Amy W. Apon: Evaluation of Real-Time Fiber Communications for Prallel Collective Operations. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 299-308
6EEAmy W. Apon, Hsiang Ann Chen, Charlotte F. Fischer, Larry Wilbur: A Communication Staging Technique for Network Cache Interconnected Clusters. IWCC 1999: 55-62
5 Amy W. Apon, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The Circulating Processor Model of Parallel Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(5): 572-587 (1997)
4 Amy W. Apon: Challenges Of Capacity Planning In A Distributed Environment. Int. CMG Conference 1996: 1-9
3 Thomas D. Wagner, Evgenia Smirni, Amy W. Apon, Manish Madhukar, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The Effects of Thread Placement on the KSR1. IPPS 1994: 618-624
2 Emilia Rosti, Evgenia Smirni, Thomas D. Wagner, Amy W. Apon, Lawrence W. Dowdy: The KSR1: Experimentation and Modeling of Poststore. SIGMETRICS 1993: 74-85
1 Rajendra S. Wall, Amy W. Apon, Jennifer Beal, Michael T. Gately, Lamott G. Oren: An Evaluation of Commercial Expert System Building Tools. Data Knowl. Eng. 1(4): 279-304 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1G. G. Amerson [16]
2G. M. Amerson [11]
3Oscar Ardaiz-Villanueva [20]
4Mark Baker [17]
5Jennifer Beal [1]
6Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo [20]
7Jeff Brown [17]
8Rajkumar Buyya [10]
9Yvette O. Carrasco [9]
10Hsiang Ann Chen [6] [9]
11Lawrence W. Dowdy [2] [3] [5] [8] [18]
12Wesley Emeneker [26]
13Thomas Feilhauer [25]
14Clayton Ferner [17]
15Charlotte F. Fischer [6]
16Michael T. Gately [1]
17Doug Hoffman [18]
18Mujahed Ibrahim [13]
19Hai Jin [10]
20Lance Johnson [15]
21Baochuan Lu [18]
22Jens Mache [10] [19] [25]
23Manish Madhukar [3]
24Linh Ngo [22] [23]
25Lamott G. Oren [1]
26Peter Pulay [12]
27Parvathi Rajagopal [7]
28Emilia Rosti [2]
29Haiying (Helen) Shen [24]
30Evgenia Smirni [2] [3]
31Michael Tinker [18]
32Thomas D. Wagner [2] [3] [8]
33Rajendra S. Wall [1]
34Larry Wilbur [6] [14]
35Barry Wilkinson [20] [25]
36P. D. Wolinski [11]
37Cheng-Zhong Xu [24]
38Yueyue Zhang [12] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)