
Marilynn Livingston

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4EEJens Mache, Virginia Mary Lo, Marilynn Livingston, Sharad Garg: The Impact of Spatial Layout of Jobs on Parallel I/O Performance. IOPADS 1999: 45-56
3 Marilynn Livingston, Virginia Mary Lo, Daniel Zappala, Kurt J. Windisch: Cyclic Block Allocation: A New Scheme for Hierarchical Multicast Address Allocation. Networked Group Communication 1999: 216-234
2EEKevin Glass, Marilynn Livingston, John S. Conery: Distributed Simulation of Spatially Explicit Ecological Models. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1997: 60-63
1 Niall Graham, Frank Harary, Marilynn Livingston, Quentin F. Stout: Subcube Fault-Tolerance in Hypercubes Inf. Comput. 102(2): 280-314 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1John S. Conery [2]
2Sharad Garg [4]
3Kevin Glass [2]
4Niall Graham [1]
5Frank Harary [1]
6Virginia Mary Lo [3] [4]
7Jens Mache [4]
8Quentin F. Stout [1]
9Kurt J. Windisch [3]
10Daniel Zappala [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)