
Alan M. MacEachren

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41EEHongmei Wang, Guoray Cai, Alan M. MacEachren: GeoDialogue: A Software Agent Enabling Collaborative Dialogues between a User and a Conversational GIS. ICTAI (2) 2008: 357-360
40EEBrian M. Tomaszewski, Chi-Chun Pan, Prasenjit Mitra, Alan M. MacEachren: Facilitating situation assessment through gir with multi-scale open source web documents. GIR 2007: 95-96
39EEChaomei Chen, Weizhong Zhu, Brian M. Tomaszewski, Alan M. MacEachren: Tracing Conceptual and Geospatial Diffusion of Knowledge. HCI (15) 2007: 265-274
38EEChris Weaver, David Fyfe, Anthony Robinson, Deryck Holdsworth, Donna Peuquet, Alan M. MacEachren: Visual exploration and analysis of historic hotel visits. Information Visualization 6(1): 89-103 (2007)
37EEGennady L. Andrienko, Natalia V. Andrienko, Piotr Jankowski, Daniel A. Keim, Menno-Jan Kraak, Alan M. MacEachren, Stefan Wrobel: Geovisual analytics for spatial decision support: Setting the research agenda. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(8): 839-857 (2007)
36EES. Hopfer, Alan M. MacEachren: Leveraging the potential of geospatial annotations for collaboration: a communication theory perspective. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(8): 921-934 (2007)
35EEBrian M. Tomaszewski, Alan M. MacEachren, Scott Pezanowski, Xiaoyan Liu, Ian Turton: Supporting humanitarian relief logistics operations through online geocollaborative knowledge management. DG.O 2006: 358-359
34EEAlan M. MacEachren, Guoray Cai, Michael D. McNeese, Rajeev Sharma, Sven Fuhrmann: GeoCollaborative crisis management: designing technologies to meet real-world needs. DG.O 2006: 71-72
33EEAlan M. MacEachren, William Pike, Chaoqing Yu, Isaac Brewer, Mark Gahegan, Stephen D. Weaver, Brent Yarnal: Building a geocollaboratory: Supporting Human-Environment Regional Observatory (HERO) collaborative science activities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 30(2): 201-225 (2006)
32EETheresa-Marie Rhyne, Alan M. MacEachren, Jason Dykes: Guest Editors' Introduction: Exploring Geovisualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(4): 20-21 (2006)
31EEDiansheng Guo, Jin Chen, Alan M. MacEachren, Ke Liao: A Visualization System for Space-Time and Multivariate Patterns (VIS-STAMP). IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(6): 1461-1474 (2006)
30EEEtien L. Koua, Alan M. MacEachren, Menno-Jan Kraak: Evaluating the usability of visualization methods in an exploratory geovisualization environment. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 20(4): 425-448 (2006)
29EEAlan M. MacEachren, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese, Guoray Cai, Rajeev Sharma: Project highlight: GeoCollaborative crisis management. DG.O 2005: 114-115
28EEAlan M. MacEachren, Daniel B. Carr, David W. Scott: Project highlight: quality graphics for statistical summaries. DG.O 2005: 175-176
27EEGuoray Cai, Alan M. MacEachren, Rajeev Sharma, Isaac Brewer, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese: Enabling GeoCollaborative crisis management through advanced geoinformation technologies. DG.O 2005: 227-228
26EEGuoray Cai, Alan M. MacEachren, Isaac Brewer, Michael D. McNeese, Rajeev Sharma, Sven Fuhrmann: Map-Mediated GeoCollaborative Crisis Management. ISI 2005: 429-435
25EEAlan M. MacEachren, Guoray Cai, Rajeev Sharma, Ingmar Rauschert, Isaac Brewer, Levent Bolelli, B. Shaparenko, Sven Fuhrmann, Hongmei Wang: Enabling collaborative geoinformation access and decision-making through a natural, multimodal interface. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(3): 293-317 (2005)
24EEAlan M. MacEachren, Daniel B. Carr, David W. Scott: Collaborative Research: Quality graphics for federal statistical summaries: results. DG.O 2004
23EEAlan M. MacEachren, Guoray Cai, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese: Geo-Collaborative Crisis Management. DG.O 2004
22EEGuoray Cai, Levent Bolelli, Alan M. MacEachren, Rajeev Sharma, Sven Fuhrmann, Michael D. McNeese: GeoCollaborative Crisis Management: Using Maps to Mediate EOC-Mobile Team Collaboration. DG.O 2004
21EESven Fuhrmann, Stephen Crawford, Alan M. MacEachren, Tanuka Bhowmick: Publishing Geographic and Statistical Online Learning Activities for Middle School Children. DG.O 2004
20EEXiping Dai, Diansheng Guo, Alan M. MacEachren, Biliang Zhou, Jin Chen, James Macgill: Web-Based Collaborative Tools for Geospatial Data Exploration. DG.O 2004
19EELevent Bolelli, Guoray Cai, Hongmei Wang, Bita Mortazavi, Ingmar Rauschert, Sven Fuhrmann, Rajeev Sharma, Alan M. MacEachren: Multimodal interaction for distributed collaboration. ICMI 2004: 327-328
18EEPyush Agrawal, Ingmar Rauschert, Keerati Inochanon, Levent Bolelli, Sven Fuhrmann, Isaac Brewer, Guoray Cai, Alan M. MacEachren, Rajeev Sharma: Multimodal interface platform for geographical information systems (GeoMIP) in crisis management. ICMI 2004: 339-340
17EEAlan M. MacEachren, Mark Gahegan, William Pike, Isaac Brewer, Guoray Cai, Eugene Lengerich, Frank Hardisty: Geovisualization for Knowledge Construction and Decision Support. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(1): 13-17 (2004)
16EEAlan M. MacEachren, Isaac Brewer: Developing a conceptual framework for visually-enabled geocollaboration. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 18(1): 1-34 (2004)
15EEGuoray Cai, Hongmei Wang, Alan M. MacEachren: Communicating Vague Spatial Concepts in Human-GIS Interactions: A Collaborative Dialogue Approach. COSIT 2003: 287-300
14EESven Fuhrmann, John Bosley, Roger Downs, Mark Gahegan, Bonan Li, Stephen Crawford, Alan M. MacEachren: Assessing the Usefulness and Usability of Online Learning Activities: MapStats for Kids. DG.O 2003
13EEStephen Crawford, Sven Fuhrmann, Bonan Li, Alan M. MacEachren, Mark Gahegan, Roger Downs: MapStats for Kids: Developing and Assessing Web-Based Tools to Foster Geographic and Statistical Literacy in Children. DG.O 2003
12EEXiping Dai, Frank Hardisty, Alan M. MacEachren: Quality Graphics in Web-Based Applications for Summarizing Government Agency Data. DG.O 2003
11EEAlan M. MacEachren, Xiping Dai, Frank Hardisty, Diansheng Guo, Eugene Lengerich: Exploring High-D Spaces with Multiform Matrices and Small Multiples. INFOVIS 2003
10EEAlan M. MacEachren, Frank Hardisty, Xiping Dai, Linda Pickle: Supporting visual analysis of federal geospatial statistics. Commun. ACM 46(1): 59-60 (2003)
9EEIngmar Rauschert, Pyush Agrawal, Rajeev Sharma, Sven Fuhrmann, Isaac Brewer, Alan M. MacEachren: Designing a human-centered, multimodal GIS interface to support emergency management. ACM-GIS 2002: 119-124
8EEAlan M. MacEachren, Mark Harrower, Bonan Li, David Howard, Roger Downs, Mark Gahegan: Supporting statistical, graphic/cartographic, and domain literacy through onlinelearning activities: MapStats for Kids. DG.O 2002
7EERobert M. Edsall, Alan M. MacEachren, Linda Pickle: Case Study: Design and Assessment of an Enhanced Geographic Information System for Exploration of Multivariate Health Statistics. INFOVIS 2001: 159-162
6EEAlan M. MacEachren: Representations to Mediate Geospatial Collaborative Reasoning: A Cognitive-Semiotic Perspective. Diagrams 2000: 1
5EEIsaac Brewer, Alan M. MacEachren, Hadi Abdo, Jack Gundrum, George Otto: Collaborative Geographic Visualization: Enabling Shared Understanding of Environmental Processes. INFOVIS 2000: 137-
4EEAlan M. MacEachren, Robert M. Edsall, Daniel Haug, Ryan Baxter, George Otto, Raymon Masters, Sven Fuhrmann, Liujian Qian: Virtual Environments for Geographic Visualization: Potential and Challenges. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation 1999: 35-40
3EEMenno-Jan Kraak, Alan M. MacEachren: Visualization for exploration of spatial data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13(4): 285-287 (1999)
2EEAlan M. MacEachren, Monica Wachowicz, Robert M. Edsall, Daniel Haug, Raymon Masters: Constructing knowledge from multivariate spatiotemporal data: integrating geographical visualization with knowledge discovery in database methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13(4): 311-334 (1999)
1EEAlan M. MacEachren, Francis P. Boscoe, Daniel Haug, Linda Pickle: Geographic Visualization: Designing Manipulable Maps for Exploring Temporally Varying Georeferenced Statistics. INFOVIS 1998: 87-

Coauthor Index

1Hadi Abdo [5]
2Pyush Agrawal [9] [18]
3Gennady L. Andrienko [37]
4Natalia V. Andrienko [37]
5Ryan Baxter [4]
6Tanuka Bhowmick [21]
7Levent Bolelli [18] [19] [22] [25]
8Francis P. Boscoe [1]
9John Bosley [14]
10Isaac Brewer [5] [9] [16] [17] [18] [25] [26] [27] [33]
11Guoray Cai [15] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29] [34] [41]
12Daniel B. Carr [24] [28]
13Chaomei Chen [39]
14Jin Chen [20] [31]
15Stephen Crawford [13] [14] [21]
16Xiping Dai [10] [11] [12] [20]
17Roger Downs [8] [13] [14]
18Jason Dykes [32]
19Robert M. Edsall [2] [4] [7]
20Sven Fuhrmann [4] [9] [13] [14] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29] [34]
21David Fyfe [38]
22Mark Gahegan [8] [13] [14] [17] [33]
23Jack Gundrum [5]
24Diansheng Guo [11] [20] [31]
25Frank Hardisty [10] [11] [12] [17]
26Mark Harrower [8]
27Daniel Haug [1] [2] [4]
28Deryck Holdsworth [38]
29S. Hopfer [36]
30David Howard [8]
31Keerati Inochanon [18]
32Piotr Jankowski [37]
33Daniel A. Keim [37]
34Etien L. Koua [30]
35Menno-Jan Kraak [3] [30] [37]
36Eugene Lengerich [11] [17]
37Bonan Li [8] [13] [14]
38Ke Liao [31]
39Xiaoyan Liu [35]
40James Macgill [20]
41Raymon Masters [2] [4]
42Michael D. McNeese [22] [23] [26] [27] [29] [34]
43Prasenjit Mitra [40]
44Bita Mortazavi [19]
45George Otto [4] [5]
46Chi-Chun Pan [40]
47Donna Peuquet [38]
48Scott Pezanowski [35]
49Linda Pickle [1] [7] [10]
50William Pike [17] [33]
51Liujian Qian [4]
52Ingmar Rauschert [9] [18] [19] [25]
53Theresa-Marie Rhyne [32]
54Anthony Robinson [38]
55David W. Scott [24] [28]
56B. Shaparenko [25]
57Rajeev Sharma [9] [18] [19] [22] [25] [26] [27] [29] [34]
58Brian M. Tomaszewski [35] [39] [40]
59Ian Turton [35]
60Monica Wachowicz [2]
61Hongmei Wang [15] [19] [25] [41]
62Chris Weaver [38]
63Stephen D. Weaver [33]
64Stefan Wrobel [37]
65Brent Yarnal [33]
66Chaoqing Yu [33]
67Biliang Zhou [20]
68Weizhong Zhu [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)