
Piotr Jankowski

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12EEArika Ligmann-Zielinska, Piotr Jankowski: A Framework for Sensitivity Analysis in Spatial Multiple Criteria Evaluation. GIScience 2008: 217-233
11EEPece V. Gorsevski, Piotr Jankowski: Discerning landslide susceptibility using rough sets. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32(1): 53-65 (2008)
10EEArika Ligmann-Zielinska, Richard L. Church, Piotr Jankowski: Spatial optimization as a generative technique for sustainable multiobjective land-use allocation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(6): 601-622 (2008)
9EEGennady L. Andrienko, Natalia V. Andrienko, Piotr Jankowski, Daniel A. Keim, Menno-Jan Kraak, Alan M. MacEachren, Stefan Wrobel: Geovisual analytics for spatial decision support: Setting the research agenda. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(8): 839-857 (2007)
8EETimothy L. Nyerges, Terry Brooks, Piotr Jankowski, G. Scott Rutherford, Rhonda Young: Web portal implementation to support public participation in transportation decision making. DG.O 2006: 67-68
7EETimothy L. Nyerges, Terry Brooks, Piotr Jankowski, G. Scott Rutherford, Rhonda Young: Public participation in transportation decision making. DG.O 2005: 65-66
6EEPece V. Gorsevski, Paul E. Gessler, Piotr Jankowski: Integrating a fuzzy k-means classification and a Bayesian approach for spatial prediction of landslide hazard. Journal of Geographical Systems 5(3): 223-251 (2003)
5EETimothy L. Nyerges, Piotr Jankowski, Christina H. Drew: Data-gathering strategies for social-behavioural research about participatory geographical information system use. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16(1): 1-22 (2002)
4EEPiotr Jankowski, Natalia V. Andrienko, Gennady L. Andrienko: Map-centred exploratory approach to multiple criteria spatial decision making. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15(2): 101-127 (2001)
3 Ashley Morris, Piotr Jankowski: Combining Fuzzy Sets and Databases in Multiple Criteria Spatial Decision Making. FQAS 2000: 103-116
2 Piotr Jankowski, Timothy L. Nyerges, Alan Smith, T. J. Moore, Emory Horvath: Spatial Group Choice: A SDSS Tool for Collaborative Spatial Decision-Making. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(6): 577-602 (1997)
1 Piotr Jankowski: Integrating Geographical Information Systems and Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 9(3): 251-273 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Gennady L. Andrienko [4] [9]
2Natalia V. Andrienko [4] [9]
3Terry Brooks [7] [8]
4Richard L. Church [10]
5Christina H. Drew [5]
6Paul E. Gessler [6]
7Pece V. Gorsevski [6] [11]
8Emory Horvath [2]
9Daniel A. Keim [9]
10Menno-Jan Kraak [9]
11Arika Ligmann-Zielinska [10] [12]
12Alan M. MacEachren [9]
13T. J. Moore [2]
14Ashley Morris [3]
15Timothy L. Nyerges [2] [5] [7] [8]
16G. Scott Rutherford [7] [8]
17Alan Smith [2]
18Stefan Wrobel [9]
19Rhonda Young [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)