
Donna Peuquet

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11EEKen C. K. Lee, Wang-Chien Lee, Donna Peuquet, Baihua Zheng: Searching Correlated Objects in a Long Sequence. SSDBM 2008: 436-454
10EEChris Weaver, David Fyfe, Anthony Robinson, Deryck Holdsworth, Donna Peuquet, Alan M. MacEachren: Visual exploration and analysis of historic hotel visits. Information Visualization 6(1): 89-103 (2007)
9 Diansheng Guo, Donna Peuquet, Mark Gahegan: ICEAGE: Interactive Clustering and Exploration of Large and High-Dimensional Geodata. GeoInformatica 7(3): 229-253 (2003)
8EEDiansheng Guo, Donna Peuquet, Mark Gahegan: Opening the black box: interactive hierarchical clustering for multivariate spatial patterns. ACM-GIS 2002: 131-136
7EEDonna Peuquet, Menno-Jan Kraak: Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization. Information Visualization 1(1): 80-91 (2002)
6 Donna Peuquet: Making Space for Time: Issues in Space-Time Data Representation. GeoInformatica 5(1): 11-32 (2001)
5EEJeremy L. Mennis, Donna Peuquet, Liujian Qian: A conceptual framework for incorporating cognitive principles into geographical database representation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14(6): 501-520 (2000)
4EEDonna Peuquet: Making Space for Time: Issues in Space-Time Data Representation. DEXA Workshop 1999: 404-408
3EEMax J. Egenhofer, Janice I. Glasgow, Oliver Günther, John R. Herring, Donna Peuquet: Progress in computational methods for representing geographical concepts. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13(8): 775-796 (1999)
2 Donna Peuquet, Niu Duan: An Event-Based Spatiotemporal Data Model (ESTDM) for Temporal Analysis of Geographical Data. International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 9(1): 7-24 (1995)
1 Donna Peuquet: Advanced Techniques for the Storage and Use of Digital Geographic Data: Where Have we been and Where are we Going? AGDM 1994: 243-

Coauthor Index

1Niu Duan [2]
2Max J. Egenhofer [3]
3David Fyfe [10]
4Mark Gahegan [8] [9]
5Janice I. Glasgow [3]
6Oliver Günther [3]
7Diansheng Guo [8] [9]
8John R. Herring [3]
9Deryck Holdsworth [10]
10Menno-Jan Kraak [7]
11Ken C. K. Lee [11]
12Wang-Chien Lee [11]
13Alan M. MacEachren [10]
14Jeremy L. Mennis [5]
15Liujian Qian [5]
16Anthony Robinson [10]
17Chris Weaver [10]
18Baihua Zheng [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)