
Ulrich Kühn

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11 Ulrich Kühn, Andrei Pyshkin, Erik Tews, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann: Variants of Bleichenbacher's Low-Exponent Attack on PKCS#1 RSA Signatures. Sicherheit 2008: 97-109
10EEUlrich Kühn: Breaking the Shin-Shin-Rhee remotely keyed encryption schemes. Inf. Process. Lett. 105(6): 236-240 (2008)
9EEUlrich Kühn, Marcel Selhorst, Christian Stüble: Realizing property-based attestation and sealing with commonly available hard- and software. STC 2007: 50-57
8EEUlrich Kühn: Analysis of a Database and Index Encryption Scheme - Problems and Fixes. Secure Data Management 2006: 146-159
7EEUlrich Kühn, Klaus Kursawe, Stefan Lucks, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Christian Stüble: Secure Data Management in Trusted Computing. CHES 2005: 324-338
6EEZinaida Benenson, Ulrich Kühn, Stefan Lucks: Cryptographic Attack Metrics. Dependability Metrics 2005: 133-156
5EEUlrich Kühn: Side-Channel Attacks on Textbook RSA and ElGamal Encryption. Public Key Cryptography 2003: 324-336
4EEUlrich Kühn: Improved Cryptanalysis of MISTY1. FSE 2002: 61-75
3EEUlrich Kühn: Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round MISTY. EUROCRYPT 2001: 325-339
2 Ulrich Kühn: A randomized parallel algorithm for Voronoi diagrams based on symmetric convex distance functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 109(1-2): 177-196 (2001)
1EEUlrich Kühn: Local Calculation of Voronoi Diagrams. Inf. Process. Lett. 68(6): 307-312 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Zinaida Benenson [6]
2Klaus Kursawe [7]
3Stefan Lucks [6] [7]
4Andrei Pyshkin [11]
5Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi [7]
6Marcel Selhorst [9]
7Christian Stüble [7] [9]
8Erik Tews [11]
9Ralf-Philipp Weinmann [11]

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