
Jacques Lonchamp

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16EEJacques Lonchamp: Interaction Analysis Supporting Participants' Self-regulation in a Generic CSCL System. EC-TEL 2008: 262-273
15EEJacques Lonchamp: Designing Collaborative Learning Applications. ICALT 2008: 353-355
14EEJacques Lonchamp: Towards a Web Platform for Collaborative Learning Practice, Evaluation and Dissemination. JCP 2(5): 1-8 (2007)
13EEJacques Lonchamp: A Platform for CSCL Practice and Dissemination. ICALT 2006: 66-70
12EEJacques Lonchamp: Multi-Dimensional Model-based Genericity in Omega+. ICALT 2006: 730-734
11EEJacques Lonchamp: Collaboration Flow Management: A New Paradigm for Virtual Team Support. DEXA 2002: 70-80
10EEJacques Lonchamp: An Object Oriented Collaboration Flow Management System for Virtual Team Support. OOIS 2002: 445-457
9EEJacques Lonchamp, Fabrice Muller: A Generic Support for Distributed Deliberations. HPCN Europe 2001: 221-230
8EEJacques Lonchamp, Fabrice Muller: Computer-Supported Deliberations for Distributed Teams. IICS 2001: 167-174
7EEJacques Lonchamp: DOTS: a Generic Infrastructure for Decision-Oriented Task Support. ER 1999: 233-247
6EEDavid Graham Wastell, Selma Arbaoui, Jacques Lonchamp, Carlo Montangero: The Human Dimension of the Software Process. Software Process: Principles, Methodology, Technology 1999: 165-200
5 Jacques Lonchamp: A Collaborative Process-Centered Environment Kernel CAiSE 1994: 28-41
4 Jacques Lonchamp: A Process-Centered Framework for Asynchronous Collaborative Work. EWSPT 1994: 261-269
3 Jacques Lonchamp: A Structured Conceptual and Terminological Framework for Software Process Engineering. ICSP 1993: 41-53
2 Jacques Lonchamp: Supporting Social Activities of Software Process. EWSPT 1992: 34-54
1 Jean-Claude Derniame, Khalid Benali, N. Boudjlida, Claude Godart, Jacques Lonchamp: Roles cooperation through software process instantiaton. ISPW 1990: 77-82

Coauthor Index

1Selma Arbaoui [6]
2Khalid Benali [1]
3N. Boudjlida [1]
4Jean-Claude Derniame [1]
5Claude Godart [1]
6Carlo Montangero [6]
7Fabrice Muller [8] [9]
8David Graham Wastell [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)