
Luca Lombardi

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35EELuca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi: Tracking without Background Model for Time-of-Flight Cameras. PSIVT 2009: 726-737
34 Luca Bianchi, Riccardo Gatti, Luca Lombardi: The Future of Parallel Computing: GPU vs Cell - General Purpose Planning against Fast Graphical Computation Architectures, which is the Best Solution for General Purposes Computation? GRAPP 2008: 419-425
33EEPaolo Gamba, Luca Lombardi, Marco Porta: Log-map analysis. Parallel Computing 34(12): 757-764 (2008)
32EELuca Lombardi, Marco Porta: Adding Gestures to Ordinary Mouse Use: a New Input Modality for Improved Human-Computer Interaction. ICIAP 2007: 461-466
31EELuca Lombardi, Alfredo Petrosino: Distributed recursive learning for shape recognition through multiscale trees. Image Vision Comput. 25(2): 240-247 (2007)
30EEVirginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi: Future scenarios of parallel computing: Distributed sensor networks. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 18(5): 484-491 (2007)
29EEVirginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi: Challenges for Data Mining in Distributed Sensor Networks. ICPR (1) 2006: 1000-1007
28EEVirginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi: Most minutiae-based matching algorithms confront. ICPR (4) 2006: 378-385
27EELuca Lombardi, Roberto Marmo, Andrea Toccalini: Automatic Recognition of Road Sign Passo-Carrabile. ICIAP 2005: 1059-1067
26EERoberto Ballerini, Luigi Cinque, Luca Lombardi, Roberto Marmo: Rectangular Traffic Sign Recognition. ICIAP 2005: 1101-1108
25EELuigi Cinque, Gian Luca Foresti, Luca Lombardi: A clustering fuzzy approach for image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 37(9): 1797-1807 (2004)
24EELuca Lombardi, Alfredo Petrosino: Shape recognition by distributed recursive learning of multiscale trees. ICIAP 2003: 26-30
23EEStefano Barotti, Luca Lombardi, Paolo Lombardi: Multi-module switching and fusion for robust video surveillance. ICIAP 2003: 260-265
22EELuca Lombardi, Alfredo Petrosino: Object Recognition by Recursive Learning of Multiscale Trees. WILF 2003: 255-262
21EEAlberto Biancardi, Luigi Cinque, Luca Lombardi: Improvements to image magnification. Pattern Recognition 35(3): 677-687 (2002)
20EELuigi Cinque, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi, Steven L. Tanimoto: Segmentation of page images having artifacts of photocopying and scanning. Pattern Recognition 35(5): 1167-1177 (2002)
19EEDavide Agnelli, Alessandro Bollini, Luca Lombardi: Image classification: an evolutionary approach. Pattern Recognition Letters 23(1-3): 303-309 (2002)
18EEVirginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi, Marco Porta, Ugo Vallone: Qualitative Estimation of Depth in Monocular Vision. IWVF 2001: 135-144
17EELuigi Cinque, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi, Steven L. Tanimoto: Handling Artifacts in Digitally Reproduced Documents. CAMP 2000: 340-346
16EEAndrea Matessi, Luca Lombardi: Vanishing Point Detection in the Hough Transform Space. Euro-Par 1999: 987-994
15EELuigi Cinque, L. Forino, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi, Steven L. Tanimoto: Understanding the Page Logical Structure. ICIAP 1999: 1003-1008
14EEPaolo Gamba, Luca Lombardi: Coding Scene Contents Using the Image Background. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 860-864
13EEPaolo Gamba, Luca Lombardi: Shape analysis with the 'Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion' method. Image Vision Comput. 17(5-6): 357-364 (1999)
12EEVirginio Cantoni, Luigi Cinque, Concettina Guerra, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi: 2-D Object Recognition By Multiscale Tree Matching. Pattern Recognition 31(10): 1443-1454 (1998)
11EELuigi Cinque, Luca Lombardi, G. Manzini: A multiresolution approach for page segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(2): 217-225 (1998)
10 Alberto Biancardi, Luca Lombardi, V. Pacaccio: Improvements to Image Magnification. ICIAP (1) 1997: 142-149
9 Maria Grazia Albanesi, Luca Lombardi: Wavelets for Multiresolution Shape Recognition. ICIAP (2) 1997: 276-283
8 Massimo Gregori, Luca Lombardi, M. Savini, A. Scianna: Autonomous Plant Inspection and Anomaly Detection. ICIAP (2) 1997: 509-516
7 Virginio Cantoni, Luigi Cinque, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi: Evaluating Digital Angles by a Parallel Diffusion Process. ICIAP 1995: 133-138
6 Paolo Bottoni, Luigi Cinque, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi, Piero Mussio: Combining Resolution and Granularity for Pattern Recognition. ICIAP 1995: 503-508
5EEVirginio Cantoni, Luca Lombardi: Hierarchical architectures for computer vision. PDP 1995: 392-399
4EELuigi Cinque, Luca Lombardi: Shape description and recognition by a multiresolution approach. Image Vision Comput. 13(8): 599-607 (1995)
3EELuigi Cinque, Luca Lombardi, Azriel Rosenfeld: Evaluating digital angles by a parallel diffusion process. Pattern Recognition Letters 16(10): 1097-1104 (1995)
2 Virginio Cantoni, Luigi Cinque, Concettina Guerra, Stefano Levialdi, Luca Lombardi: Describing Objects by a Multi-Resolution Syntactic Approach. ICPIA 1992: 54-68
1 Ugo Cei, Luca Lombardi: Automated design of vision systems. Recent Issues in Pattern Analysis and Recognition 1989: 259-265

Coauthor Index

1Davide Agnelli [19]
2Maria Grazia Albanesi [9]
3Roberto Ballerini [26]
4Stefano Barotti [23]
5Alberto Biancardi [10] [21]
6Luca Bianchi [34] [35]
7Alessandro Bollini [19]
8Paolo Bottoni [6]
9Virginio Cantoni [2] [5] [7] [12] [18] [28] [29] [30]
10Ugo Cei [1]
11Luigi Cinque [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [11] [12] [15] [17] [20] [21] [25] [26]
12Gian Luca Foresti [25]
13L. Forino [15]
14Paolo Gamba [13] [14] [33]
15Riccardo Gatti [34] [35]
16Massimo Gregori [8]
17Concettina Guerra [2] [12]
18Stefano Levialdi (Stefano Levialdi Ghiron) [2] [6] [7] [12] [15] [17] [20]
19Paolo Lombardi [23] [28] [29] [30] [35]
20G. Manzini [11]
21Roberto Marmo [26] [27]
22Andrea Matessi [16]
23Piero Mussio [6]
24V. Pacaccio [10]
25Alfredo Petrosino [22] [24] [31]
26Marco Porta [18] [32] [33]
27Azriel Rosenfeld [3]
28M. Savini [8]
29A. Scianna [8]
30Steven L. Tanimoto [15] [17] [20]
31Andrea Toccalini [27]
32Ugo Vallone [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)