
Yu-Cheng Lin

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11EEToly Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin: A fuzzy back propagation network ensemble with example classification for lot output time prediction in a wafer fab. Appl. Soft Comput. 9(2): 658-666 (2009)
10EEHsin-Hsiung Huang, Hui-Yu Huang, Yu-Cheng Lin, Tsai-Ming Hsieh: Timing-driven obstacles-avoiding routing tree construction for a multiple-layer system. ISCAS 2008: 1200-1203
9EEHsin-Hsiung Huang, Shu-Ping Chang, Yu-Cheng Lin, Tsai-Ming Hsieh: Timing-driven X-architecture router among rectangular obstacles. ISCAS 2008: 1804-1807
8EEYou-Ming Tsao, Ka-Hang Lok, Yu-Cheng Lin, Chih-Hao Sun, Shao-Yi Chien, Liang-Gee Chen: A cost effective reconfigurable memory for multimedia multithreading streaming architecture. ISCAS 2008: 3406-3409
7EEToly Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin: A Fuzzy-Neural System Incorporating Unequally Important Expert Opinions for semiconductor Yield Forecasting. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16(1): 35-58 (2008)
6EEChuan-Yiu Lee, Yu-Cheng Lin, Chi-Ling Wu, Chin-Hsiang Chang, You-Ming Tsao, Shao-Yi Chien: Multi-Pass and Frame Parallel Algorithms of Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC for Generic GPU. ICME 2007: 1603-1606
5 Yu-Cheng Lin, Mao-Jiun J. Wang: The Establishment and Verification of Estimation Models of a 3D Body Scanning System. MSV 2007: 268-273
4EELung-Chuang Wang, Yu-Cheng Lin, Pao H. Lin: Dynamic mobile RFID-based supply chain control and management system in construction. Advanced Engineering Informatics 21(4): 377-390 (2007)
3EEZhi-Wei Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin, Cheng-Chin Chiang: In this paper, an approach for deaf-people. ICPR (2) 2006: 104-107
2EEYu-Cheng Lin, Pei-Lun Li, Chin-Hsiang Chang, Chi-Ling Wu, You-Ming Tsao, Shao-Yi Chien: Multi-pass algorithm of motion estimation in video encoding for generic GPU. ISCAS 2006
1EEToly Chen, Yu-Cheng Lin: A Hybrid and Intelligent System for Predicting Lot Output Time in a Semiconductor Fabrication Factory. RSCTC 2006: 757-766

Coauthor Index

1Chin-Hsiang Chang [2] [6]
2Shu-Ping Chang [9]
3Liang-Gee Chen [8]
4Toly Chen [1] [7] [11]
5Zhi-Wei Chen [3]
6Cheng-Chin Chiang [3]
7Shao-Yi Chien [2] [6] [8]
8Tsai-Ming Hsieh [9] [10]
9Hsin-Hsiung Huang [9] [10]
10Hui-Yu Huang [10]
11Chuan-Yiu Lee [6]
12Pei-Lun Li [2]
13Pao H. Lin [4]
14Ka-Hang Lok [8]
15Chih-Hao Sun [8]
16You-Ming Tsao [2] [6] [8]
17Lung-Chuang Wang [4]
18Mao-Jiun J. Wang [5]
19Chi-Ling Wu [2] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)