
Binshan Lin

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35EEMohamed Intan Salwani, Mohd Daud Norzaidi, Siong Choy Chong, Binshan Lin: Factors determining organisational commitment on security controls in accounting-based information systems. IJSS 5(1): 51-66 (2009)
34EEDong-Her Shih, Hsiu-Sen Chiang, Binshan Lin: Collaborative spam filtering with heterogeneous agents. Expert Syst. Appl. 35(4): 1555-1566 (2008)
33EEKai S. Koong, Lai C. Liu, Shuming Bai, Binshan Lin: Identity theft in the USA: evidence from 2002 to 2006. IJMC 6(2): 199-216 (2008)
32EEChang-tseh Hsieh, Charlotte A. Jones, Binshan Lin: The new business potential with mobile commerce. IJMC 6(4): 436-455 (2008)
31EEDong-Her Shih, Binshan Lin, Shin-Yi Huang: MoRVAM: A reverse Vickrey auction system for mobile commerce. Expert Syst. Appl. 32(4): 1113-1123 (2007)
30EEDong-Her Shih, Hsiu-Sen Chiang, Binshan Lin: A Generalized Associative Petri Net for Reasoning. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 19(9): 1241-1251 (2007)
29EEChiaCheng Chao, WenYuan Jen, YanPing Chi, Binshan Lin: Improving patient safety with RFID and mobile technology. IJEH 3(2): 175-192 (2007)
28EEWei-Feng Tung, Soe-Tsyr Yuan, Binshan Lin: M-Library: a mobile service in online WebPAC. IJMC 5(5): 487-507 (2007)
27EEYi-Hsing Chang, Ching-Ming Cheng, Binshan Lin: An efficient Web Services-enabled Architecture for Radio Frequency Identification Environment. IJMC 5(6): 646-660 (2007)
26EEMohd Rizal Abdul Razak, Siong Choy Chong, Binshan Lin: Service quality of a local Malaysian bank: customers' expectations, perceptions, satisfaction and loyalty. IJSS 3(1): 18-38 (2007)
25EESuhong Li, Binshan Lin: Accessing information sharing and information quality in supply chain management. Decision Support Systems 42(3): 1641-1656 (2006)
24EEFuchung Wang, Sharne Koung Chou, Binshan Lin: Developing fully functional e-healthcare information systems: a four-stage framework. EG 3(3): 256-271 (2006)
23EEShi-Ming Huang, Chin-Shyh Ou, Chyi-Miaw Chen, Binshan Lin: An empirical study of relationship between IT investment and firm performance: A resource-based perspective. European Journal of Operational Research 173(3): 984-999 (2006)
22EEBinshan Lin, G. Daryl Nord: Special Issue on Intelligent Bioinformatics Systems. Expert Syst. Appl. 30(1): 1 (2006)
21EEBinshan Lin, Chang-tseh Hsieh: Critical factors for assessing service quality of online pharmacies: a research framework. IJEH 2(4): 398-414 (2006)
20EEJason C. H. Chen, Sandeep Chiniwar, Binshan Lin, Pachi Chen: Security in e-business and beyond: a case study reflecting current situations and future trends. IJMC 4(1): 17-33 (2006)
19EESung-Shun Weng, Yi-Chen Chou, Binshan Lin: Developing a dynamic query system on location-based services. IJMC 4(4): 386-404 (2006)
18EEDong-Her Shih, Shin-Yi Huang, Binshan Lin: Linking secure reverse auction with web service. IJSS 2(1): 15-31 (2006)
17EEYi-Hsing Chang, Cheng-Jung Lee, Binshan Lin: Design and implementation of an automation service system based on CRONTAB. IJSS 2(2): 203-214 (2006)
16EEYi-Hsing Chang, Cheng-Jung Lee, Binshan Lin: An extensive CRON-Driven Automation Service Architecture for RSS feed. IJSS 2(3): 286-302 (2006)
15EEYue (Jeff) Zhang, Donna A. Driscoll, Paul J. Lazarony, Binshan Lin, Ruidong Zhang: What affects travellers' preference of e-travel or traditional travel agencies: an empirical study. IJSS 2(4): 385-399 (2006)
14EEAlexandros Patelis, Chris Petropoulos, Konstantinos Nikolopoulos, Binshan Lin, Vassilis Assimakopoulos: Tourism planning decision support within an e-government framework. EG 2(2): 134-143 (2005)
13EEMohan P. Rao, David M. Miller, Binshan Lin: PET: An expert system for productivity analysis. Expert Syst. Appl. 29(2): 300-309 (2005)
12EELing Bai, David C. Chou, David C. Yen, Binshan Lin: Mobile commerce: its market analyses. IJMC 3(1): 66-81 (2005)
11EEDong-Her Shih, Chin-Yi Lin, Binshan Lin: RFID tags: privacy and security aspects. IJMC 3(3): 214-230 (2005)
10EEJason C. H. Chen, Matt Dolan, Binshan Lin: Improve processes on healthcare: current issues and future trends. IJEH 1(2): 149-164 (2004)
9EEBinshan Lin, John A. Vassar: Mobile healthcare computing devices for enterprise-wide patient data delivery. IJMC 2(4): 343-353 (2004)
8EEChang-tseh Hsieh, Binshan Lin: Impact of standardization on EDI in B2B development. Industrial Management and Data Systems 104(1): 68-77 (2004)
7EEHongjiang Xu, Jeretta Horn Nord, G. Daryl Nord, Binshan Lin: Key issues of accounting information quality management: Australian case studies. Industrial Management and Data Systems 103(7): 461-470 (2003)
6EEChang-tseh Hsieh, Huiqing Yang, Binshan Lin: Roles of knowledge management in online procurement systems. Industrial Management and Data Systems 102(7): 365-370 (2002)
5EEYurong Xu, David C. Yen, Binshan Lin, David C. Chou: Adopting customer relationship management technology. Industrial Management and Data Systems 102(8): 442-452 (2002)
4 Steven A. Conrad, Binshan Lin, Peter T. Rycus: Database Technology for Global Support of a Medical Registry: An Implementation Case. J. Database Manag. 13(4): 62-73 (2002)
3EEBinshan Lin, Charlotte A. Jones, Chang-tseh Hsieh: Environmental practices and assessment: a process perspective. Industrial Management and Data Systems 101(2): 71-80 (2001)
2EEChang-tseh Hsieh, Ming-te Lu, Binshan Lin: Assessing the quality of computer print magazines: practitioners' versus academics' perceptions. Industrial Management and Data Systems 101(3): 120-126 (2001)
1EEBinshan Lin, Yao-Yang Shieh: Integrating Information Technology with Outcomes Management: Some Useful Lessons. CBMS 1998: 170-174

Coauthor Index

1Vassilis Assimakopoulos [14]
2Ling Bai [12]
3Shuming Bai [33]
4Yi-Hsing Chang [16] [17] [27]
5ChiaCheng Chao [29]
6Chyi-Miaw Chen [23]
7Jason C. H. Chen [10] [20]
8Pachi Chen [20]
9Ching-Ming Cheng [27]
10YanPing Chi [29]
11Hsiu-Sen Chiang [30] [34]
12Sandeep Chiniwar [20]
13Siong Choy Chong [26] [35]
14David C. Chou [5] [12]
15Sharne Koung Chou [24]
16Yi-Chen Chou [19]
17Steven A. Conrad [4]
18Matt Dolan [10]
19Donna A. Driscoll [15]
20Chang-tseh Hsieh [2] [3] [6] [8] [21] [32]
21Shi-Ming Huang [23]
22Shin-Yi Huang [18] [31]
23WenYuan Jen [29]
24Charlotte A. Jones [3] [32]
25Kai S. Koong [33]
26Paul J. Lazarony [15]
27Cheng-Jung Lee [16] [17]
28Suhong Li [25]
29Chin-Yi Lin [11]
30Lai C. Liu [33]
31Ming-te Lu [2]
32David M. Miller [13]
33Konstantinos Nikolopoulos (K. Nikolopoulos) [14]
34G. Daryl Nord [7] [22]
35Jeretta Horn Nord [7]
36Mohd Daud Norzaidi [35]
37Chin-Shyh Ou [23]
38Alexandros Patelis [14]
39Chris Petropoulos [14]
40Mohan P. Rao [13]
41Mohd Rizal Abdul Razak [26]
42Peter T. Rycus [4]
43Mohamed Intan Salwani [35]
44Yao-Yang Shieh [1]
45Dong-Her Shih [11] [18] [30] [31] [34]
46Wei-Feng Tung [28]
47John A. Vassar [9]
48Fuchung Wang [24]
49Sung-Shun Weng [19]
50Hongjiang Xu [7]
51Yurong Xu [5]
52Huiqing Yang [6]
53David C. Yen [5] [12]
54Soe-Tsyr Yuan [28]
55Ruidong Zhang [15]
56Yue (Jeff) Zhang [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)