
Siong Choy Chong

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3EEMohamed Intan Salwani, Mohd Daud Norzaidi, Siong Choy Chong, Binshan Lin: Factors determining organisational commitment on security controls in accounting-based information systems. IJSS 5(1): 51-66 (2009)
2EEMohd Rizal Abdul Razak, Siong Choy Chong, Binshan Lin: Service quality of a local Malaysian bank: customers' expectations, perceptions, satisfaction and loyalty. IJSS 3(1): 18-38 (2007)
1EESiong Choy Chong: Km Implementation and its Influence on Performance: an Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Companies. JIKM 5(1): 21-37 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Binshan Lin [2] [3]
2Mohd Daud Norzaidi [3]
3Mohd Rizal Abdul Razak [2]
4Mohamed Intan Salwani [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)