
Yamin Li

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30EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: A Distributed Algorithm for Finding a Tree Trunk and its Application for Multicast in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. AINA 2008: 106-113
29EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: K-Trunk and Efficient Algorithms for Finding a K-Trunk on a Tree Network. HICSS 2008: 472
28EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Prefix Computation and Sorting in Dual-Cube. ICPP 2008: 389-396
27EEYamin Li, Jinru Ma, Qiuxia Zhao: Two improvements in genetic programming for image classification. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 2492-2497
26EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: K-Tree Trunk and a Distributed Algorithm for Effective Overlay Multicast on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ISPAN 2008: 53-58
25EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: An Effective Structure for Algorithmic Design and a Parallel Prefix Algorithm on Metacube. PDCAT 2008: 54-61
24EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: An Algorithm for Constructing Hamiltonian Cycle in Metacube Networks. PDCAT 2007: 285-292
23EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Efficient Algorithms for Finding a Trunk on a Tree Network and Its Applications. PDCAT 2007: 355-362
22EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: K-MCore for Multicasting on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PDCAT 2006: 109-114
21EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Adaptive Box-Based Efficient Fault-tolerant Routing in 3D Torus. ICPADS (1) 2005: 71-77
20EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Online Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing in 2D Torus. ISPA 2005: 150-161
19EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: An Efficient Distributed Broadcasting Algorithm forWireless Ad Hoc Networks. PDCAT 2005: 75-79
18EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Fault-tolerant cycle embedding in dual-cube with node faults. IJHPCN 3(1): 45-53 (2005)
17EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Binomial-Tree Fault Tolerant Routing in Dual-Cubes with Large Number of Faulty Nodes. CIS 2004: 51-56
16 Yamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Adaptive-Subcube Fault Tolerant Routing in Dual-Cube with Very Large Number of Faulty Nodes. ISCA PDCS 2004: 222-228
15EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: An Efficient Algorithm for Fault Tolerant Routing Based on Adaptive Binomial-Tree Technique in Hypercubes. PDCAT 2004: 196-201
14 Yamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Fault-tolerant cycle embedding in hypercube with mixed link and node failures. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 561-566
13EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Efficient Collective Communications in Dual-Cube. The Journal of Supercomputing 28(1): 71-90 (2004)
12EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: From Dual-Cube to Metacube: Efficient Low-Degree Alternatives to Hypercube. CW 2002: 85-94
11EEYamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu: Efficient Communication in Metacube: A New Interconnection Network. ISPAN 2002: 165-
10 Yi Pan, Yamin Li, Jie Li, Keqin Li, Si-Qing Zheng: Efficient parallel algorithms for distance maps of 2D binary images using an optical bus. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 32(2): 228-236 (2002)
9EEKenji Watanabe, Wanming Chu, Yamin Li: Exploiting Java Instruction/Thread Level Parallelism with Horizontal Multithreading. ACSAC 2001: 35-44
8 Yamin Li, Shietung Peng: Fault-Tolerant Routing and Disjoint Paths in Dual-Cube: A New Interconnection Network. ICPADS 2001: 315-322
7EEWanming Chu, Yamin Li: Cost/Performance Tradeoff of n-Select Square Root Implementations. ACAC 2000: 9-16
6EEYi Pan, Yamin Li, Jie Li, Keqin Li, Si-Qing Zheng: Computing Distance Maps Efficiently Using an Optical Bus. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 178-185
5EEYamin Li, Wanming Chu: Implementation of single precision floating point square root on FPGAs. FCCM 1997: 226-233
4 Yamin Li, Wanming Chu: Parallel-Array Implementations of a Non-Restoring Square Root Algorithm. ICCD 1997: 690-695
3EEYamin Li, Wanming Chu: A New Non-Restoring Square Root Algorithm and its VLSI Implementation. ICCD 1996: 538-544
2 Yamin Li, Wanming Chu: The Effects of STEF in Finely Parallel Multithreaded Processors. HPCA 1995: 318-325
1 Yamin Li, Wanming Chu: Design and Implementation of a Multiple-Instruction-Stream. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 477-480

Coauthor Index

1Wanming Chu [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30]
2Jie Li [6] [10]
3Keqin Li [6] [10]
4Jinru Ma [27]
5Yi Pan [6] [10]
6Shietung Peng [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29] [30]
7Kenji Watanabe [9]
8Qiuxia Zhao [27]
9Si-Qing Zheng (S. Q. Zheng) [6] [10]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)