
Eric Steegmans

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22EESven De Labey, Eric Steegmans: Extending WS-Notification with an Expressive Event Notification Broker. ICWS 2008: 312-319
21EEMarko van Dooren, Eric Steegmans: A Higher Abstraction Level Using First-Class Inheritance Relations. ECOOP 2007: 425-449
20 Geert Delanote, Sven De Labey, Koen Vanderkimpen, Eric Steegmans: A Framework for Executing Cross-Model Transformations Based on Pluggable Metamodels. ICSOFT (PL/DPS/KE/MUSE) 2007: 315-325
19EESven De Labey, Marko van Dooren, Eric Steegmans: ServiceJ A Java Extension for ProgrammingWeb Services Interactions. ICWS 2007: 505-512
18EESven De Labey, Eric Steegmans: A type system extension for middleware interactions. MAI 2007: 37-42
17EEKoen Vanderkimpen, Marko van Dooren, Eric Steegmans: Using Customizable Properties to make Object Representation a First-class Citizen. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 4(2): 27-46 (2007)
16EEMarko van Dooren, Eric Steegmans: Combining the robustness of checked exceptions with the flexibility of unchecked exceptions using anchored exception declarations. OOPSLA 2005: 455-471
15EEMarko van Dooren, Eric Steegmans: Language constructs for improving reusability in object-oriented software. OOPSLA Companion 2005: 118-119
14EENele Smeets, Eric Steegmans: A Methodology for Writing Class Contracts. SOFSEM 2005: 418-422
13EEFrank Devos, Eric Steegmans: Specifying business rules in object-oriented analysis. Software and System Modeling 4(3): 297-309 (2005)
12EEPieter Bekaert, Geert Delanote, Frank Devos, Eric Steegmans: Specialization/Generalization in Object-Oriented Analysis: Strengthening and Multiple Partitioning. OOIS Workshops 2002: 34-43
11EEJamal Said, Eric Steegmans: Transformation of Binary Relations. CSCWD 2001: 575-580
10EEFrank Devos, Eric Steegmans: The Message Paradigm in Object-Oriented Analysis. UML 2001: 182-193
9EEWalid Al-Ahmad, Eric Steegmans: Modeling and Reuse Perspectives of Inheritance Can be Reconciled. TOOLS (31) 1999: 31-40
8 Walid Al-Ahmad, Eric Steegmans: Improving Support for Specialization Inheritance. JOOP 11(8): 29-36 (1999)
7 Walid Al-Ahmad, Eric Steegmans: Sepcialization of Behavior: Comparison, Critique, and a New Approach. JOOP 10(9): 29-37 (1998)
6 Frank Piessens, Eric Steegmans: Selective Attribute Elimination for Categorial Data Specifications. AMAST 1997: 424-436
5 Frank Piessens, Eric Steegmans: Canonical Forms for Data-Specifications. CSL 1994: 397-411
4 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans: Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. TOOLS (13) 1994: 185-199
3 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, Bart Swennen: Constraints in Object-Oriented Analysis. ISOTAS 1993: 393-407
2 Stefan Van Baelen, Johan Lewi, Eric Steegmans, Helena Van Riel: EROOS: An Entity-Relationship Based OO Specification Method. TOOLS (7) 1992: 103-117
1EEEric Steegmans, Johan Lewi, Ivo Van Horebeek: Generation of Interactive Parsers With Error Handling. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(5): 357-367 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Walid Al-Ahmad [7] [8] [9]
2Stefan Van Baelen [2] [3] [4]
3Pieter Bekaert [12]
4Geert Delanote [12] [20]
5Frank Devos [10] [12] [13]
6Marko van Dooren [15] [16] [17] [19] [21]
7Ivo Van Horebeek [1]
8Sven De Labey [18] [19] [20] [22]
9Johan Lewi [1] [2] [3] [4]
10Frank Piessens [5] [6]
11Helena Van Riel [2]
12Jamal Said [11]
13Nele Smeets [14]
14Bart Swennen [3]
15Koen Vanderkimpen [17] [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)