
Tod S. Levitt

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19EEThomas O. Binford, Tod S. Levitt: Evidential Reasoning for Object Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25(7): 837-851 (2003)
18EEJames W. Myers, Kathryn B. Laskey, Tod S. Levitt: Learning Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data with Stochastic Search Algorithms. UAI 1999: 476-485
17EETod S. Levitt, C. L. Winter, C. J. Turner, R. A. Chestek, Gil J. Ettinger, S. M. Sayre: Bayesian inference-based fusion of radar imagery, military forces and tactical terrain models in the image exploitation system/balanced technology initiative. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 42(6): 667-686 (1995)
16EEKeung-Chi Ng, Tod S. Levitt: Incremental Dynamic Construction of Layered Polytree Networks. UAI 1994: 440-446
15 Tod S. Levitt, Marcus W. Hedgcock, John W. Dye, Scott E. Johnston, Vera M. Shadle, Dmitry Vosky: Bayesian inference for model-based segmentation of computed radiographs of the hand. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5(4): 365-387 (1993)
14 Ross D. Shachter, Tod S. Levitt, Laveen N. Kanal, John F. Lemmer: UAI '88: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence North-Holland 1990
13 Tod S. Levitt, Daryl T. Lawton: Qualitative Navigation for Mobile Robots. Artif. Intell. 44(3): 305-360 (1990)
12 Laveen N. Kanal, Tod S. Levitt, John F. Lemmer: UAI '87: Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Elsevier 1989
11EETod S. Levitt, John Mark Agosta, Thomas O. Binford: Model-Based Influence Diagrams for Machine Vision. UAI 1989: 371-388
10EETod S. Levitt, Thomas O. Binford, Gil J. Ettinger: Utility-based control for computer vision. UAI 1988: 407-422
9 Tod S. Levitt, Benjamin Kuipers: Navigation and Mapping in Large Scale Space. AI Magazine 9(2): 25-43 (1988)
8 Tod S. Levitt: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence - Workshop Report. AI Magazine 9(4): 77-78 (1988)
7EETod S. Levitt: Guest editor's preface. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 193-194 (1988)
6EETod S. Levitt: Choosing uncertainty representations in artificial intelligence. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 217-232 (1988)
5 Tod S. Levitt, Daryl T. Lawton, David M. Chelberg, Philip C. Nelson: Qualitative Landmark-based Path Planning and Following. AAAI 1987: 689-694
4EEThomas O. Binford, Tod S. Levitt, Wallace B. Mann: Bayesian Inference in Model-Based Machine Vision. UAI 1987: 73-96
3EETod S. Levitt: Bayesian inference for radar imagery based surveillance. UAI 1986: 413-422
2EETod S. Levitt: Model-Based Probabilistic Situation Inference in Hierarchical Hypothesis Spaces. UAI 1985: 347-356
1 Tod S. Levitt: Domain Independent Object Description and Decomposition. AAAI 1984: 207-211

Coauthor Index

1John Mark Agosta [11]
2Thomas O. Binford [4] [10] [11] [19]
3David M. Chelberg [5]
4R. A. Chestek [17]
5John W. Dye [15]
6Gil J. Ettinger [10] [17]
7Marcus W. Hedgcock [15]
8Scott E. Johnston [15]
9Laveen N. Kanal [12] [14]
10Benjamin Kuipers [9]
11Kathryn B. Laskey [18]
12Daryl T. Lawton [5] [13]
13John F. Lemmer [12] [14]
14Wallace B. Mann [4]
15James W. Myers [18]
16Philip C. Nelson [5]
17Keung-Chi Ng [16]
18S. M. Sayre [17]
19Ross D. Shachter [14]
20Vera M. Shadle [15]
21C. J. Turner [17]
22Dmitry Vosky [15]
23C. L. Winter [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)