
Robert Levinson

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26 D. Walker, Robert Levinson: The Morph Project in 2004. ICGA Journal 27(4): 226-232 (2004)
25EEAri Shapiro, Gil Fuchs, Robert Levinson: Learning a Game Strategy Using Pattern-Weights and Self-play. Computers and Games 2002: 42-60
24 Robert Levinson, Gil Fuchs: A Pattern-Weight Formulation of Search Knowledge. Computational Intelligence 17(3): 783-812 (2001)
23EERobert Levinson, Ryan Weber: Chess Neighborhoods, Function Combination, and Reinforcement Learning. Computers and Games 2000: 133-150
22 Robert Levinson: Symmetry and the Computation of Conceptual Structures. ICCS 2000: 496-509
21 Jeff Wilkinson, Robert Levinson: Research Environment for Data Analysis Tool Allocators. Appl. Intell. 11(3): 241-258 (1999)
20 Emdad Khan, Robert Levinson: Robust Speech Recognition Using a Noise Rejection Approach. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 8(1): 53-71 (1999)
19 Robert Levinson, Jeff Wilkinson: Deep Blue is Still an Infant. Deep Blue Versus Kasparov: The Significance for Artificial Intelligence 1997: 3-8
18 Gil Fuchs, Robert Levinson: The CG Mars Lander. ICCS 1997: 611-616
17EERobert Levinson, Jeff Wilkinson: Meta-Reasoning for Data Analysis Tool Allocation. IDA 1997: 89-100
16 John Esch, Robert Levinson: Propagating Truth and Detecting Contradiction in Conceptual Graph Database. ICCS 1996: 229-247
15 Barney Pell, Susan L. Epstein, Robert Levinson: Introduction to the Special Issue on Games: Structure and Learning. Computational Intelligence 12: 1-6 (1996)
14 Robert Levinson: General Game-Playing and Reinforcement Learning. Computational Intelligence 12: 155-176 (1996)
13 Gerard Ellis, Robert Levinson, William Rich, John F. Sowa: Conceptual Structures: Applications, Implementation and Theory, Third International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS '95, Santa Cruz, California, USA, August 14-18, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
12 John Esch, Robert Levinson: In Implementation Model for Contexts and Negation in Conceptual Graphs. ICCS 1995: 247-262
11 Robert Levinson: UDS: A Universal Data Structure. ICCS 1994: 230-250
10EEGerard Ellis, Robert Levinson, Peter J. Robinson: Managing complex objects in Peirce. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(1-2): 109-148 (1994)
9 Robert Levinson: Towards Domain-Independent Machine Intelligence. ICCS 1993: 254-273
8 Gerard Ellis, Robert Levinson: The Birth of PEIRCE: A Conceptual Graphs Workbench. Workshop on Conceptual Graphs 1992: 219-228
7 Robert Levinson, Brian Beach, Richard Snyder, Tal Dayan, Kirack Sohn: Adaptive-predictive game-playing programs. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 4(4): 315-337 (1992)
6EERobert Levinson, Gerard Ellis: Multilevel hierarchical retrieval. Knowl.-Based Syst. 5(3): 233-244 (1992)
5 Robert Levinson, Richard Snyder: Adaptive Pattern-Oriented Chess. AAAI 1991: 601-606
4 Robert Levinson, Feng-hsiung Hsu, T. Anthony Marsland, Jonathan Schaeffer, David E. Wilkins: The Role of Chess in Artificial Intelligence Research. IJCAI 1991: 547-552
3 Robert Levinson, Richard Snyder: Adaptive Pattern-Oriented Chess. ML 1991: 85-89
2EECathi Colin, Robert Levinson: Partial Order Maintenance. SIGIR Forum 23(3-4): 59-88 (1989)
1 Robert Levinson: A Self-Organizing Retrieval System for Graphs. AAAI 1984: 203-206

Coauthor Index

1Brian Beach [7]
2Cathi Colin [2]
3Tal Dayan [7]
4Gerard Ellis [6] [8] [10] [13]
5Susan L. Epstein [15]
6John Esch [12] [16]
7Gil Fuchs [18] [24] [25]
8Feng-hsiung Hsu [4]
9Emdad Khan [20]
10T. Anthony Marsland [4]
11Barney Pell [15]
12William Rich [13]
13Peter J. Robinson [10]
14Jonathan Schaeffer [4]
15Ari Shapiro [25]
16Richard Snyder [3] [5] [7]
17Kirack Sohn [7]
18John F. Sowa [13]
19D. Walker [26]
20Ryan Weber [23]
21David E. Wilkins [4]
22Jeff Wilkinson [17] [19] [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)