
Vitaly G. Levashenko

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7EEElena N. Zaitseva, Vitaly G. Levashenko: Investigation Multi-State System Reliability by Structure Function. DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2007: 81-90
6 Vitaly G. Levashenko, Stefan Kovalik, Irina Davidovskaja: Stable Ordered Fuzzy Decision Tree Induction. IICAI 2005: 2037-2044
5EEElena N. Zaitseva, Vitaly G. Levashenko, K. Matiasko, Seppo Puuronen: Dynamic Reliability Indices for k-out-of-n Multi-State System. ISMVL 2005: 264-269
4EEVitaly G. Levashenko, Elena N. Zaitseva: Usage of New Information Estimations for Induction of Fuzzy Decision Trees. IDEAL 2002: 493-499
3EEElena N. Zaitseva, Vitaly G. Levashenko: Design of Dynamic Reliability Indices. ISMVL 2002: 144-148
2EEVlad P. Shmerko, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich, Vitaly G. Levashenko: Test Pattern Generation for Combinatorial Multi-Valued Networks Based on Generalized D-Algorithm. ISMVL 1997: 139-144
1EEVlad P. Shmerko, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich, Vitaly G. Levashenko, I. Bondar: Technique of Computing Logic Derivatives for MVL-Functions. ISMVL 1996: 267-272

Coauthor Index

1I. Bondar [1]
2Irina Davidovskaja [6]
3Stefan Kovalik [6]
4K. Matiasko [5]
5Seppo Puuronen [5]
6Vlad P. Shmerko [1] [2]
7Svetlana N. Yanushkevich [1] [2]
8Elena N. Zaitseva [3] [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)