
Yang-Han Lee

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4EERong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Yih-Guang Jan, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Jheng-Yao Lin: A Hybrid System with Petri Net and Fuzzy Theory. JCIS 2006
3EERong-Hou Wu, Yang-Han Lee, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Hsien-Wei Tseng, Ming-Hsueh Chuang, Yung-Kuang Wang: Application of Hardware Architecture of Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Packet Scheduling. JCIS 2006
2EEKuo-Hsing Cheng, Yang-Han Lee, Wei-Chun Chang: A new robust handshake for asymmetric asynchronous micro-pipelines. ISCAS (5) 2003: 209-212
1EEWen-Ching Chang, Chih-Hui Ko, Yang-Han Lee, Shiann-Tsong Sheu, Yu-Jie Zheng: A Novel Prediction System for Wireless LAN Based on the Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network. LCN 1999: 258-259

Coauthor Index

1Wei-Chun Chang [2]
2Wen-Ching Chang [1]
3Kuo-Hsing Cheng [2]
4Ming-Hsueh Chuang [3] [4]
5Yih-Guang Jan [4]
6Chih-Hui Ko [1]
7Jheng-Yao Lin [4]
8Shiann-Tsong Sheu [1] [3]
9Hsien-Wei Tseng [3] [4]
10Yung-Kuang Wang [3]
11Rong-Hou Wu [3] [4]
12Yu-Jie Zheng [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)