
Jaehwan Lee

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8 Xiang Xiao, Tuo Shi, Pranav Vaidya, Jaehwan Lee: R-tree: A Hardware Implementation. CDES 2008: 3-9
7EEMichael A. Marsh, Jik-Soo Kim, Beomseok Nam, Jaehwan Lee, San Ratanasanya, Bobby Bhattacharjee, Peter J. Keleher, Derek Richardson, Dennis Wellnitz: Matchmaking and implementation issues for a P2P desktop grid. IPDPS 2008: 1-5
6 Xiang Xiao, Jaehwan Lee: Main Memory DBMS on Modern Processors, a Scalable Approach for Database Performance Characterization Using Simulation. PDPTA 2008: 617-623
5EEXiang Xiao, Jaehwan Lee: A Novel Parallel Deadlock Detection Algorithm and Hardware for Multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip. Computer Architecture Letters 6(2): 41-44 (2007)
4EESeongkwan Kim, Sekyu Park, Sunghyun Choi, Jaehwan Lee, Hanwook Jung: Management and Diagnosis Architecture for a Large-Scale Public WLAN. WOWMOM 2006: 301-307
3EEYoungkyu Choi, Sekyu Park, Sunghyun Choi, Go Woon Lee, Jaehwan Lee, Hanwook Jung: Enhancement of a WLAN-Based Internet Service. MONET 10(3): 303-314 (2005)
2EEJaehwan Lee, Vincent John Mooney III: A novel deadlock avoidance algorithm and its hardware implementation. CODES+ISSS 2004: 200-205
1EEBilge Saglam Akgul, Jaehwan Lee, Vincent John Mooney III: A system-on-a-chip lock cache with task preemption support. CASES 2001: 149-157

Coauthor Index

1Bilge Saglam Akgul [1]
2Bobby Bhattacharjee [7]
3Sunghyun Choi [3] [4]
4Youngkyu Choi [3]
5Hanwook Jung [3] [4]
6Peter J. Keleher [7]
7Jik-Soo Kim [7]
8Seongkwan Kim [4]
9Go Woon Lee [3]
10Michael A. Marsh [7]
11Vincent John Mooney III (Vincent John Mooney) [1] [2]
12Beomseok Nam [7]
13Sekyu Park [3] [4]
14San Ratanasanya [7]
15Derek Richardson [7]
16Tuo Shi [8]
17Pranav Vaidya [8]
18Dennis Wellnitz [7]
19Xiang Xiao [5] [6] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)