
Bilge Saglam Akgul

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4EEBilge Saglam Akgul, Vincent John Mooney III: PARLAK: Parametrized Lock Cache Generator. DATE 2003: 11138-11139
3EEBilge Saglam Akgul, Vincent John Mooney, Henrik Thane, Pramote Kuacharoen: Hardware Support for Priority Inheritance. RTSS 2003: 246-
2EEBilge Saglam Akgul, Jaehwan Lee, Vincent John Mooney III: A system-on-a-chip lock cache with task preemption support. CASES 2001: 149-157
1EEBilge Saglam Akgul, Vincent John Mooney III: System-on-a-chip processor synchronization support in hardware. DATE 2001: 633-641

Coauthor Index

1Pramote Kuacharoen [3]
2Jaehwan Lee [2]
3Vincent John Mooney III (Vincent John Mooney) [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Henrik Thane [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)