
Sungwoo Park

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13EESungwoo Park, Taekyung Kim, Jonghyun Park, Jinha Kim, Hyeonseung Im: Parallel Skyline Computation on Multicore Architectures. ICDE 2009: 760-771
12EESungwoo Park, Seung-won Hwang: A logical account of uncertain databases based on linear logic. ICDT 2009: 141-148
11EESungwoo Park, Hyeonseung Im: Type-safe higher-order channels with channel locality. J. Funct. Program. 19(1): 107-142 (2009)
10EESungwoo Park, Jinha Kim, Hyeonseung Im: Functional netlists. ICFP 2008: 353-366
9EESungwoo Park, Frank Pfenning, Sebastian Thrun: A probabilistic language based on sampling functions. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 31(1): (2008)
8EESungwoo Park: Type-safe higher-order channels in ML-like languages. ICFP 2007: 191-202
7EESungwoo Park: A Modal Language for the Safety of Mobile Values. APLAS 2006: 217-233
6EESungwoo Park, Frank Pfenning, Sebastian Thrun: A probabilistic language based upon sampling functions. POPL 2005: 171-182
5EEKevin Donnelly, Tyler Gibson, Neel Krishnaswami, Stephen Magill, Sungwoo Park: The Inverse Method for the Logic of Bunched Implications. LPAR 2004: 466-480
4EESungwoo Park, Hyundong Shin, Jae Hong Lee: Capacity statistics and scheduling gain for MIMO systems in correlated Rayleigh fading. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 1508-1512
3EESungwoo Park: A calculus for probabilistic languages. TLDI 2003: 38-49
2EESungwoo Park: A calculus for probabilistic languages. TLDI 2003: 38-49
1EESungwoo Park, Taisook Han: Object-Oriented VRML for Multi-User Environments. VRML 1997: 25-32

Coauthor Index

1Kevin Donnelly [5]
2Tyler Gibson [5]
3Taisook Han [1]
4Seung-won Hwang [12]
5Hyeonseung Im [10] [11] [13]
6Jinha Kim [10] [13]
7Taekyung Kim [13]
8Neel Krishnaswami [5]
9Jae Hong Lee [4]
10Stephen Magill [5]
11Jonghyun Park [13]
12Frank Pfenning [6] [9]
13Hyundong Shin [4]
14Sebastian Thrun [6] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)