
Ira S. Moskowitz

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35 Ira S. Moskowitz, Richard E. Newman: Timing channels, anonymity, mixes, and spikes. ACST 2006: 252-256
34EEKeye Martin, Ira S. Moskowitz: Noisy Timing Channels with Binary Inputs and Outputs. Information Hiding 2006: 124-144
33EEKeye Martin, Ira S. Moskowitz, Gerard Allwein: Algebraic Information Theory For Binary Channels. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 158: 289-306 (2006)
32EEMyong H. Kang, Ira S. Moskowitz, Stanley Chincheck: The Pump: A Decade of Covert Fun. ACSAC 2005: 352-360
31EEFarid Ahmed, Ira S. Moskowitz: Composite signature based watermarking for fingerprint authentication. MM&Sec 2005: 137-142
30EERichard E. Newman, Vipan R. Nalla, Ira S. Moskowitz: Anonymity and Covert Channels in Simple Timed Mix-Firewalls. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2004: 1-16
29EERichard E. Newman, Ira S. Moskowitz, Paul F. Syverson, Andrei Serjantov: Metrics for Trafic Analysis Prevention. Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2003: 48-65
28EEIra S. Moskowitz, Richard E. Newman, Daniel P. Crepeau, Allen R. Miller: Covert channels and anonymizing networks. WPES 2003: 79-88
27EEJames Tracy, LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: An Agent-Based Approach to Inference Prevention in Distributed Database Systems. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 12(3): 297-313 (2003)
26 LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: A Study of Inference Problems in Distributed Databases. DBSec 2002: 191-204
25EEJames Tracy, LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: An Agent-Based Approach to Inference Prevention in Distributed Database Systems. ICTAI 2002: 413-
24EERichard E. Newman, Ira S. Moskowitz, LiWu Chang, Murali M. Brahmadesam: A Steganographic Embedding Undetectable by JPEG Compatibility Steganalysis. Information Hiding 2002: 258-277
23 Ira S. Moskowitz: Information Hiding, 4th International Workshop, IHW 2001, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 25-27, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
22 Ira S. Moskowitz, Myong H. Kang, LiWu Chang, Garth E. Longdon: Randomly roving agents for intrusion detection. DBSec 2001: 135-149
21 LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: An Integrated Framework for Database Privacy Protection. DBSec 2000: 161-172
20 Myong H. Kang, Judith N. Froscher, Brian J. Eppinger, Ira S. Moskowitz: A Strategy for an MLS Workflow Management System. DBSec 1999: 161-174
19 Ira S. Moskowitz, LiWu Chang: An Entropy-Based Framework for Database Inference. Information Hiding 1999: 405-418
18 LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: Bayesian Methods to the Database Inference Problem. DBSec 1998: 237-251
17EELiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: Parsimonious Downgrading and Decision Trees Applied to the Inference Problem. Workshop on New Security Paradigms 1998: 82-89
16 Myong H. Kang, Andrew P. Moore, Ira S. Moskowitz: Design and Assurance Strategy for the NRL Pump. IEEE Computer 31(4): 56-64 (1998)
15 Ira S. Moskowitz, Steven J. Greenwald, Myong H. Kang: An Analysis of the Timed Z-Channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(7): 3162-3168 (1998)
14EEMyong H. Kang, Judith N. Froscher, Ira S. Moskowitz: An Architecture for Multilevel Secure Interoperability. ACSAC 1997: 194-204
13 LiWu Chang, Ira S. Moskowitz: Critical analysis of security in voice hiding techniques. ICICS 1997: 203-216
12EEMyong H. Kang, Ira S. Moskowitz, Bruce E. Montrose, James J. Parsonese: A Case Study Of Two Nrl Pump Prototypes. ACSAC 1996: 32-43
11EEMyong H. Kang, Judith N. Froscher, Ira S. Moskowitz: A framework for MLS interoperability. HASE 1996: 198-205
10EEIra S. Moskowitz, Steven J. Greenwald, Myong H. Kang: An Analysis of the Timed Z-channel. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1996: 2-11
9 Catherine Meadows, Ira S. Moskowitz: Covert Channels - A Context-Based View. Information Hiding 1996: 73-93
8EEMyong H. Kang, Ira S. Moskowitz, Daniel C. Lee: A Network Pump. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 329-338 (1996)
7 Ira S. Moskowitz, Myong H. Kang: The Modulated-Input Modulated-Output Model. DBSec 1995: 61-75
6EEMyong H. Kang, Ira S. Moskowitz: A Pump for Rapid, Reliable, Secure Communication. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1993: 119-129
5 Ira S. Moskowitz, Oliver Costich: A classical Automata Approach to Noninterference Type Problems. CSFW 1992: 2-8
4 Ira S. Moskowitz, Allen R. Miller: The channel capacity of a certain noisy timing channel. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(4): 1339- (1992)
3 Oliver Costich, Ira S. Moskowitz: Analysis of a Storage Channel in the Two-Phase Commit Protocol. CSFW 1991: 201-208
2 Ira S. Moskowitz: Variable Noise Effects Upon a Simple Timing Channel. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1991: 362-372
1 Ira S. Moskowitz: Quotient States and Probabilistic Channels. CSFW 1990: 74-83

Coauthor Index

1Farid Ahmed [31]
2Gerard Allwein [33]
3Murali M. Brahmadesam [24]
4LiWu Chang [13] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [25] [26] [27]
5Stanley Chincheck [32]
6Oliver Costich [3] [5]
7Daniel P. Crepeau [28]
8Brian J. Eppinger [20]
9Judith N. Froscher [11] [14] [20]
10Steven J. Greenwald [10] [15]
11Myong H. Kang [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [20] [22] [32]
12Daniel C. Lee [8]
13Garth E. Longdon [22]
14Keye Martin [33] [34]
15Catherine Meadows [9]
16Allen R. Miller [4] [28]
17Bruce E. Montrose [12]
18Andrew P. Moore [16]
19Vipan R. Nalla [30]
20Richard E. Newman [24] [28] [29] [30] [35]
21James J. Parsonese [12]
22Andrei Serjantov [29]
23Paul F. Syverson [29]
24James Tracy [25] [27]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)