2007 |
30 | EE | Anya Kim,
Amitabh Khashnobish,
Myong H. Kang:
An Architecture for Web Services Authentication and Authorization in a Maritime Environment.
ITNG 2007: 451-456 |
29 | EE | Anya Kim,
Jim Luo,
Myong H. Kang:
Security Ontology to Facilitate Web Service Description and Discovery.
J. Data Semantics 9: 167-195 (2007) |
2006 |
28 | EE | Jim Luo,
Bruce E. Montrose,
Anya Kim,
Amitabh Khashnobish,
Myong H. Kang:
Adding OWL-S Support to the Existing UDDI Infrastructure.
ICWS 2006: 153-162 |
2005 |
27 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Ira S. Moskowitz,
Stanley Chincheck:
The Pump: A Decade of Covert Fun.
ACSAC 2005: 352-360 |
26 | EE | Anya Kim,
Jim Luo,
Myong H. Kang:
Security Ontology for Annotating Resources.
OTM Conferences (2) 2005: 1483-1499 |
25 | EE | Jim Luo,
Bruce E. Montrose,
Myong H. Kang:
An Approach for Semantic Query Processing with UDDI.
OTM Workshops 2005: 89-98 |
2001 |
24 | | Ira S. Moskowitz,
Myong H. Kang,
LiWu Chang,
Garth E. Longdon:
Randomly roving agents for intrusion detection.
DBSec 2001: 135-149 |
23 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Joon S. Park,
Judith N. Froscher:
Access control mechanisms for inter-organizational workflow.
SACMAT 2001: 66-74 |
22 | | Joon S. Park,
Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher:
A Secure Workflow System for Dynamic Collaboration.
SEC 2001: 167-182 |
21 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher:
A Tool for Secure Inter-Organizational Computing.
WETICE 2001: 194-199 |
2000 |
20 | EE | Gail-Joon Ahn,
Ravi S. Sandhu,
Myong H. Kang,
Joon S. Park:
Injecting RBAC to secure a Web-based workflow system.
ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control 2000: 1-10 |
19 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher:
A Framework for Secure Enterprise Computing.
WETICE 2000: 219-220 |
1999 |
18 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Brian J. Eppinger,
Judith N. Froscher:
Tools to Support Secure Enterprise Computing.
ACSAC 1999: 143- |
17 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher,
Amit P. Sheth,
Krys Kochut,
John A. Miller:
A Multilevel Secure Workflow Management System.
CAiSE 1999: 271-285 |
16 | | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher,
Brian J. Eppinger,
Ira S. Moskowitz:
A Strategy for an MLS Workflow Management System.
DBSec 1999: 161-174 |
1998 |
15 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher,
Brian J. Eppinger:
Towards an Infrastructure for MLS Distributed Computing.
ACSAC 1998: 91-100 |
14 | | Myong H. Kang,
Andrew P. Moore,
Ira S. Moskowitz:
Design and Assurance Strategy for the NRL Pump.
IEEE Computer 31(4): 56-64 (1998) |
13 | | Ira S. Moskowitz,
Steven J. Greenwald,
Myong H. Kang:
An Analysis of the Timed Z-Channel.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(7): 3162-3168 (1998) |
1997 |
12 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher,
Ira S. Moskowitz:
An Architecture for Multilevel Secure Interoperability.
ACSAC 1997: 194-204 |
1996 |
11 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Ira S. Moskowitz,
Bruce E. Montrose,
James J. Parsonese:
A Case Study Of Two Nrl Pump Prototypes.
ACSAC 1996: 32-43 |
10 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher,
Ira S. Moskowitz:
A framework for MLS interoperability.
HASE 1996: 198-205 |
9 | EE | Ira S. Moskowitz,
Steven J. Greenwald,
Myong H. Kang:
An Analysis of the Timed Z-channel.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1996: 2-11 |
8 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Ira S. Moskowitz,
Daniel C. Lee:
A Network Pump.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 329-338 (1996) |
1995 |
7 | | Ira S. Moskowitz,
Myong H. Kang:
The Modulated-Input Modulated-Output Model.
DBSec 1995: 61-75 |
1994 |
6 | | Oliver Costich,
Myong H. Kang,
Judith N. Froscher:
The SINTRA Data Model: Structure and Operations.
DBSec 1994: 97-110 |
5 | | Myong H. Kang,
Henry G. Dietz,
Bharat K. Bhargava:
Multiple-Query Optimization at Algorithm-Level.
Data Knowl. Eng. 14(1): 57-75 (1994) |
1993 |
4 | EE | Myong H. Kang,
Ira S. Moskowitz:
A Pump for Rapid, Reliable, Secure Communication.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1993: 119-129 |
3 | | Oliver Costich,
Myong H. Kang:
Maintaining Multilevel Transaction Atomicity in MLS Database Systems with Replicated Architecture.
DBSec 1993: 329-355 |
2 | | Myong H. Kang,
Oliver Costich,
Judith N. Froscher:
Using Object Modeling Techniques to Design MLS Data Models.
Security for Object-Oriented Systems 1993: 203-211 |
1992 |
1 | | Myong H. Kang,
Oliver Costich,
Judith N. Froscher:
A Practical Transaction Model and Untrusted Transaction Manager for a Multilevel-Secure Database System.
DBSec 1992: 285-300 |