
Choong Woong Lee

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14EEJae Sung Lee, Kwang Suk Park, Dong Soo Lee, Choong Woong Lee, June-Key Chung, Myung Chul Lee: Development and applications of a software for Functional Image Registration (FIRE). Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 78(2): 157-164 (2005)
13 Sang Hwa Lee, Jong-Il Park, Choong Woong Lee: Correspondence and Line Field Estimation Using Map-Based Probabilistic Diffusion Algorithm. ICIP 2000
12 Sang Hwa Lee, Jong-Il Park, Choong Woong Lee: Probabilistic diffusion for MAP-based correspondence estimation and image pairs coding in multiresolution. VCIP 2000: 399-409
11 HyoJoon Kim, JongHyo Kim, Choong Woong Lee: Lossless compression of 3D medical images using reversible integer wavelet transforms. VCIP 2000: 497-505
10 Jeong-Kwon Kim, Kyeong Ho Yang, Choong Woong Lee: Binary subband decomposition and concatenated arithmetic coding. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 10(7): 1059-1067 (2000)
9EESeung Hwan Kim, Dong-Il Chang, Choong Woong Lee, Sang Uk Lee: Complexity reduction method for overlapped block motion compensation based on spatio-temporal correlation. ISCAS (4) 1999: 211-214
8EEMusik Kwon, HyoJoon Kim, Choong Woong Lee, Sang Uk Lee: A lossless image coder with context-based minimizing MSE prediction and entropy coding. ISCAS (4) 1999: 479-482
7EESang Hwa Lee, Nam Su Moon, Choong Woong Lee: Recovery of Blurred Video Signals Using Iterative Image Restoration Combined with Motion Estimation. ICIP (1) 1997: 755-758
6EEJoon-Ho Chang, Jeong-Kwon Kim, Choong Woong Lee: A Projections onto the Overcomplete Basis Approach for Block Loss Recovery. ICIP (2) 1997: 93-96
5EEDong-Il Chang, Joonhyun Sung, Choong Woong Lee: Motion compensation using region constrained warping predictio. ICIP (3) 1997: 618-621
4 Dong Wook Kang, Jun Seok Song, Hee Bok Park, Choong Woong Lee: Sequential Vector Quantization of Directionally Decomposed DCT Coefficients. ICIP (1) 1994: 114-118
3 Jong-Il Park, Nobuyuki Yagi, Choong Woong Lee: Video Composition Based on Robust Estimation of Camera Parameters from Image Sequence. ICIP (1) 1994: 368-372
2 Dong Wook Kang, Kyeong-Hoon Jung, Choong Woong Lee: Effects of image smoothing on the reliability of motion estimation. ISCAS 1993: 5-8
1 Chul-Woo Kim, Hee Bok Park, Choong Woong Lee: Image coding using directional VQ of wavelet coefficients. ISCAS 1993: 695-698

Coauthor Index

1Dong-Il Chang [5] [9]
2Joon-Ho Chang [6]
3June-Key Chung [14]
4Kyeong-Hoon Jung [2]
5Dong Wook Kang [2] [4]
6Chul-Woo Kim [1]
7HyoJoon Kim [8] [11]
8Jeong-Kwon Kim [6] [10]
9JongHyo Kim [11]
10Seung Hwan Kim [9]
11Musik Kwon [8]
12Dong Soo Lee [14]
13Jae Sung Lee [14]
14Myung Chul Lee [14]
15Sang Hwa Lee [7] [12] [13]
16Sang Uk Lee (Sang-Uk Lee) [8] [9]
17Nam Su Moon [7]
18Hee Bok Park [1] [4]
19Jong-Il Park [3] [12] [13]
20Kwang Suk Park [14]
21Jun Seok Song [4]
22Joonhyun Sung [5]
23Nobuyuki Yagi [3]
24Kyeong Ho Yang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)