
Hoang Le

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3EEHoang Le, Weirong Jiang, Viktor K. Prasanna: A SRAM-based Architecture for Trie-based IP Lookup Using FPGA. FCCM 2008: 33-42
2EEHoang Le, Weirong Jiang, Viktor K. Prasanna: Scalable high-throughput SRAM-based architecture for IP-lookup using FPGA. FPL 2008: 137-142
1EEKris Gaj, Soonhak Kwon, Patrick Baier, Paul Kohlbrenner, Hoang Le, Mohammed Khaleeluddin, Ramakrishna Bachimanchi: Implementing the Elliptic Curve Method of Factoring in Reconfigurable Hardware. CHES 2006: 119-133

Coauthor Index

1Ramakrishna Bachimanchi [1]
2Patrick Baier [1]
3Kris Gaj [1]
4Weirong Jiang [2] [3]
5Mohammed Khaleeluddin [1]
6Paul Kohlbrenner [1]
7Soonhak Kwon [1]
8Viktor K. Prasanna (V. K. Prasanna Kumar) [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)