
Christian Lavault

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30EEFerruccio Barsi, Alfredo Navarra, Maria Cristina Pinotti, Christian Lavault, Vlady Ravelomanana, Stephan Olariu, Alan A. Bertossi: Efficient binary schemes for training heterogeneous sensor and actor networks. HeterSanet 2008: 17-24
29EESvante Janson, Christian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Convergence of some leader election algorithms CoRR abs/0802.1389: (2008)
28EEChristian Lavault, Mario Valencia-Pabon: A distributed approximation algorithm for the minimum degree minimum weight spanning trees. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(2): 200-208 (2008)
27EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: Quasi-optimal energy-efficient leader election algorithms in radio networks. Inf. Comput. 205(5): 679-693 (2007)
26EEBinh Thanh Doan, Christian Lavault, Stephan Olariu, Vlady Ravelomanana: An energy-efficient initialization algorithm for random radio networks. RIVF 2006: 126-132
25EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: A Quasi-Optimal Leader Election Algorithm in Radio Networks with Log-Logarithmic Awake Time Slots CoRR abs/cs/0607028: (2006)
24EEChristian Lavault, Mario Valencia-Pabon: A distributed approximation algorithm for the minimum degree minimum weight spanning trees CoRR abs/cs/0607031: (2006)
23EEChristian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Asymptotic Analysis of a Leader Election Algorithm CoRR abs/cs/0607032: (2006)
22EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: Quasi-Optimal Leader Election Algorithms in Radio Networks with Loglogarithmic Awake Time Slots CoRR abs/cs/0607034: (2006)
21EEChristian Lavault: Analysis of an Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion (Average-Case Analysis of Path Reversal) CoRR abs/cs/0611098: (2006)
20EEChristian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Asymptotic analysis of a leader election algorithm. Theor. Comput. Sci. 359(1-3): 239-254 (2006)
19EEFayçal Djerourou, Christian Lavault, Gabriel Antoine Louis Paillard, Vlady Ravelomanana: Assigning Codes in a Random Wireless Network. ICT 2004: 348-353
18EEChristian Lavault: Embeddings into the Pancake Interconnection Network CoRR cs.DC/0411095: (2004)
17EEMarc Bui, Franck Butelle, Christian Lavault: A distributed algorithm for constructing a minimum diameter spanning tree. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(5): 571-577 (2004)
16EEChristian Lavault: Embeddings into the Pancake Interconnection Network. Parallel Processing Letters 12(3-4): 297-310 (2002)
15EEColette Johnen, Ivan Lavallée, Christian Lavault: Reliable Self-Stabilizing Communication for Quasi Rendezvous. Stud. Inform. Univ. 1(1): 59-76 (2001)
14 Ivan Lavallée, Christian Lavault, Colette Johnen: Fair and Reliable Self-stabilizing Communication. OPODIS 2000: 163-176
13EEChristian Lavault, Sidi Mohamed Sedjelmaci: Worst-case analysis of Weber's GCD algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 72(3-4): 125-130 (1999)
12 Franck Butelle, Christian Lavault: Distributed Algorithms for AllPairs Shortest Paths and Minimum Diameter Spanning Tree Problems. OPODIS 1998: 77-88
11 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: Optimal Pattern Matching on dDimensional Meshes. OPODIS 1997: 45-60
10EESidi Mohamed Sedjelmaci, Christian Lavault: Improvements on the Accelerated Integer GCD Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 61(1): 31-36 (1997)
9 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: Distributed String Matching Algorithm on the N-cube. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 832-835
8 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: N-Cube String Matching Algorithm with Long Texts. Combinatorics and Computer Science 1995: 328-340
7 Franck Butelle, Christian Lavault, Marc Bui: A Uniform Self-Stabilizing Minimum Diameter Tree Algorithm (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1995: 257-272
6 Christian Lavault: Orientation of Distributed Networks: Graph- and Group- Theoretic Modelling. SIROCCO 1994: 49-70
5 Christian Lavault: Analysis of an Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion (Average-Case Analysis of Path Reversal). CONPAR 1992: 133-144
4 Ivan Lavallée, Christian Lavault: Spanning Tree Construction for Nameless Networks. WDAG 1990: 41-56
3 Christian Lavault: Exact Average Message Complexity Values for Distributed Election on Bidirectional Rings of Processors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 73(1): 61-79 (1990)
2 Christian Lavault: Average Number of Messages for Distributed Leader Finding in Rings of Processors. STACS 1989: 269-281
1 Christian Lavault: Average Number of Messages for Distributed Leader-Finding in Rings of Processors. Inf. Process. Lett. 30(4): 167-176 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Ferruccio Barsi [30]
2Alan A. Bertossi [30]
3Marc Bui [7] [17]
4Franck Butelle [7] [12] [17]
5Fayçal Djerourou [19]
6Binh Thanh Doan [26]
7Svante Janson [29]
8Colette Johnen [14] [15]
9Ivan Lavallée [4] [14] [15]
10Guy Louchard [20] [23] [29]
11Jean-François Marckert [22] [25] [27]
12Fouzia Moussouni [8] [9] [11]
13Alfredo Navarra [30]
14Stephan Olariu [26] [30]
15Gabriel Antoine Louis Paillard [19]
16Maria Cristina Pinotti [30]
17Vlady Ravelomanana [19] [22] [25] [26] [27] [30]
18Sidi Mohamed Sedjelmaci [10] [13]
19Mario Valencia-Pabon [24] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)