
Guy Louchard

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56EESvante Janson, Christian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Convergence of some leader election algorithms CoRR abs/0802.1389: (2008)
55EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: On gaps and unoccupied urns in sequences of geometrically distributed random variables. Discrete Mathematics 308(9): 1538-1562 (2008)
54EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: Generalized approximate counting revisited. Theor. Comput. Sci. 391(1-2): 109-125 (2008)
53 Vandy Berten, Raymond R. Devillers, Guy Louchard: FIFO Queuing of Constant Length Fully Synchronous Jobs. GSEM 2007: 81-95
52EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: Asymptotics of the Moments of Extreme-Value Related Distribution Functions. Algorithmica 46(3-4): 431-467 (2006)
51EEChristian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Asymptotic Analysis of a Leader Election Algorithm CoRR abs/cs/0607032: (2006)
50EESylvie Corteel, Guy Louchard, Robin Pemantle: Common intervals in permutations. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 8(1): 189-214 (2006)
49EEChristian Lavault, Guy Louchard: Asymptotic analysis of a leader election algorithm. Theor. Comput. Sci. 359(1-3): 239-254 (2006)
48EEAlberto Del Lungo, Guy Louchard, Claudio Marini, Franco Montagna: The Guessing Secrets problem: a probabilistic approach. J. Algorithms 55(2): 142-176 (2005)
47EEGuy Louchard: Monotone runs of uniformly distributed integer random variables: A probabilistic analysis. Theor. Comput. Sci. 346(2-3): 358-387 (2005)
46EEEythan Levy, Guy Louchard, Jordi Petit: A Distributed Algorithm to Find Hamiltonian Cycles in Random Graphs. CAAN 2004: 63-74
45EEOlivier Dubois, Guy Louchard, Jacques Mandler: Additive Decompositions, Random Allocations, and Threshold Phenomena. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 13(4-5): 537-575 (2004)
44EEPhilippe Duchon, Philippe Flajolet, Guy Louchard, Gilles Schaeffer: Boltzmann Samplers for the Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 13(4-5): 577-625 (2004)
43EEGuy Louchard: The number of distinct part sizes of some multiplicity in compositions of an Integer. A probabilistic Analysis. DRW 2003: 155-170
42EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: Ascending runs of sequences of geometrically distributed random variables: a probabilistic analysis. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(304): 59-86 (2003)
41EEGuy Louchard, John W. Turner: Generalized covariances of multi-dimensional Brownian excursion local times. Theor. Comput. Sci. 297(1-3): 317-336 (2003)
40EEPhilippe Duchon, Philippe Flajolet, Guy Louchard, Gilles Schaeffer: Random Sampling from Boltzmann Principles. ICALP 2002: 501-513
39EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: Probabilistic Analysis of Carlitz Compositions. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 5(1): 71-96 (2002)
38EEPhilippe Chassaing, Guy Louchard: Reflected Brownian Bridge area conditioned on its local time at the origin. J. Algorithms 44(1): 29-51 (2002)
37EEPhilippe Chassaing, Guy Louchard: Phase transition for Parking blocks, Brownian excursion and coalescence. Random Struct. Algorithms 21(1): 76-119 (2002)
36EEPhilippe Flajolet, Guy Louchard: Analytic Variations on the Airy Distribution. Algorithmica 31(3): 361-377 (2001)
35EEGuy Louchard, Helmut Prodinger: Ascending runs of sequences of geometrically distributed random variables: a probabilistic analysis. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 181-186 (2001)
34 Pawel Hitczenko, Guy Louchard: Distinctness of compositions of an integer: A probabilistic analysis. Random Struct. Algorithms 19(3-4): 407-437 (2001)
33 Guy Louchard: Generalized Covariances of Multi-dimensional Brownian Excursion Local Times. LATIN 2000: 463-472
32 Guy Louchard: Probabilistic analysis of column-convex and directed diagonally-convex animals. II: Trajectories and shapes. Random Struct. Algorithms 15(1): 1-23 (1999)
31 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski, Jing Tang: Average Profile of the Generalized Digital Search Tree and the Generalized Lempel-Ziv Algorithm. SIAM J. Comput. 28(3): 904-934 (1999)
30EEGuy Louchard: Asymptotic Properties of Some Underdiagonal Walks Generation Algorithms. Theor. Comput. Sci. 218(2): 249-262 (1999)
29EEF. T. Bruss, Michael Drmota, Guy Louchard: The Complete Solution of the Competitive Rank Selection Problem. Algorithmica 22(4): 413-447 (1998)
28 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski: On the average redundancy rate of the Lempel-Ziv code. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(1): 2-8 (1997)
27 Guy Louchard: Probabilistic analysis of adaptative sampling. Random Struct. Algorithms 10(1-2): 157-168 (1997)
26 Guy Louchard: Probabilistic analysis of column-convex and directed diagonally-convex animals. Random Struct. Algorithms 11(2): 151-178 (1997)
25 Guy Louchard, Claire Kenyon, René Schott: Data Structures' Maxima. SIAM J. Comput. 26(4): 1006-1042 (1997)
24 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski: On the Average Redundancy Rate of the Lempel-Ziv Code. Data Compression Conference 1996: 92-101
23EEGuy Louchard: Probabilistic Analysis of Some (Un)Directed Animals. Theor. Comput. Sci. 159(1): 65-79 (1996)
22 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski: Generalized Lempel-Ziv Parsing Scheme and its Preliminary Analysis of the Average Profile. Data Compression Conference 1995: 262-271
21 Guy Louchard: Finding the Maximum with Linear Error Probabilities: A Sequential Analysis Approach. STACS 1995: 14-25
20 Danièle Gardy, Guy Louchard: Dynamic Analysis of the Sizes of Relations. STACS 1995: 433-444
19 Guy Louchard: A probabilistic Analysis of a String Editing Problem and its Variations. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 4: 143-166 (1995)
18 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski: Average profile and limiting distribution for a phrase size in the Lempel-Ziv parsing algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 41(2): 478-488 (1995)
17EEDanièle Gardy, Guy Louchard: Dynamic Analysis of some Relational Databases Parameters. Theor. Comput. Sci. 144(1&2): 125-159 (1995)
16 Guy Louchard: Trie Size in a Dynamic List Structure. Random Struct. Algorithms 5(5): 665-702 (1994)
15 Guy Louchard, Wojciech Szpankowski: Analysis of a String Edit Problem in a Probabilistic Framework (Extended Abstract). CPM 1993: 152-163
14 Guy Louchard: Trie Size in a Dynamic List Structure. TAPSOFT 1993: 717-731
13 Guy Louchard, B. Randrianarimanana, René Schott: Dynamic Algorithms in D.E. Knuth's Model: A Probabilistic Analysis. Theor. Comput. Sci. 93(2): 201-225 (1992)
12 Guy Louchard, Claire Kenyon, René Schott: Data Structures Maxima. FCT 1991: 339-349
11 Guy Louchard, René Schott: Probabilistic Analysis of Some Distributed Algorithms. Random Struct. Algorithms 2(2): 151-186 (1991)
10 Guy Louchard, René Schott: Probabilistic Analysis of Some Distributed Algorithms. CAAP 1990: 239-253
9 Guy Louchard, B. Randrianarimanana, René Schott: Dynamic Algorithms in D. E. Knuth's Model: A Probabilistic Analysis. ICALP 1989: 521-533
8 Guy Louchard: Exact and Asymptotic Distributions in Digital and Binary Search Trees. ITA 21(4): 479-495 (1987)
7 Guy Louchard: Random Walks, Gaussian Processes and List Structures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 53: 99-124 (1987)
6 Guy Louchard: Random Walks, Gaussian Processes, and List Structures. CAAP 1986: 211-224
5 Guy Louchard: Brownian Motion and Algorithm Complexity. BIT 26(1): 17-34 (1986)
4 Guy Louchard: The Brownian Motion: A Neglected Tool for the Complexity Analysis of Sorted Tables Manipulation. ITA 17(4): 365-385 (1983)
3 Raymond R. Devillers, Guy Louchard: Using Auxiliary Variables in Parallel Programs Verification. International Computing Symposium 1977: 217-225
2 Raymond R. Devillers, Guy Louchard: Improvement of Parallelism in a Finite Buffer Sharing Policy. Comput. J. 19(3): 238-245 (1976)
1 Raymond R. Devillers, Guy Louchard: Realization of Petri Nets Without Conditional Statements. Inf. Process. Lett. 2(4): 105-107 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Vandy Berten [53]
2F. T. Bruss [29]
3Philippe Chassaing [37] [38]
4Sylvie Corteel [50]
5Raymond R. Devillers [1] [2] [3] [53]
6Michael Drmota [29]
7Olivier Dubois [45]
8Philippe Duchon [40] [44]
9Philippe Flajolet [36] [40] [44]
10Danièle Gardy [17] [20]
11Pawel Hitczenko [34]
12Svante Janson [56]
13Christian Lavault [49] [51] [56]
14Eythan Levy [46]
15Alberto Del Lungo [48]
16Jacques Mandler [45]
17Claudio Marini [48]
18Claire Mathieu (Claire Kenyon, Claire Kenyon-Mathieu) [12] [25]
19Franco Montagna [48]
20Robin Pemantle [50]
21Jordi Petit [46]
22Helmut Prodinger [35] [39] [42] [52] [54] [55]
23B. Randrianarimanana [9] [13]
24Gilles Schaeffer [40] [44]
25René Schott [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [25]
26Wojciech Szpankowski [15] [18] [22] [24] [28] [31]
27Jing Tang [31]
28John W. Turner [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)