
Jean-François Marckert

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11EEYvan Le Borgne, Jean-François Marckert: Directed Animals and Gas Models Revisited. Electr. J. Comb. 14(1): (2007)
10EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: Quasi-optimal energy-efficient leader election algorithms in radio networks. Inf. Comput. 205(5): 679-693 (2007)
9EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: A Quasi-Optimal Leader Election Algorithm in Radio Networks with Log-Logarithmic Awake Time Slots CoRR abs/cs/0607028: (2006)
8EEChristian Lavault, Jean-François Marckert, Vlady Ravelomanana: Quasi-Optimal Leader Election Algorithms in Radio Networks with Loglogarithmic Awake Time Slots CoRR abs/cs/0607034: (2006)
7EEJean-Maxime Labarbe, Jean-François Marckert: Asymptotics of Bernoulli random walks, bridges, excursions and meanders with a given number of peaks CoRR abs/math/0601624: (2006)
6EEAli Akhavi, Jean-François Marckert, Alain Rouault: On the reduction of a random basis CoRR abs/math/0604331: (2006)
5EEYvan Le Borgne, Jean-François Marckert: Directed animals in the gas CoRR abs/math/0611194: (2006)
4EEJean-François Marckert: The rotation correspondence is asymptotically a dilatation. Random Struct. Algorithms 24(2): 118-132 (2004)
3 Jean-François Marckert, Alois Panholzer: Noncrossing trees are almost conditioned Galton-Watson trees. Random Struct. Algorithms 20(1): 115-125 (2002)
2EEPhilippe Chassaing, Jean-François Marckert: Parking Functions, Empirical Processes, and the Width of Rooted Labeled Trees. Electr. J. Comb. 8(1): (2001)
1 Jean-François Marckert: Parking with density. Random Struct. Algorithms 18(4): 364-380 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Ali Akhavi [6]
2Yvan Le Borgne [5] [11]
3Philippe Chassaing [2]
4Jean-Maxime Labarbe [7]
5Christian Lavault [8] [9] [10]
6Alois Panholzer [3]
7Vlady Ravelomanana [8] [9] [10]
8Alain Rouault [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)