
Peter Lau

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6EEChin-Woo Tan, Sungsu Park, Hongchao Liu, Qing Xu, Peter Lau: Prediction of Transit Vehicle Arrival Time for Signal Priority Control: Algorithm and Performance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 9(4): 688-696 (2008)
5EEChin-Woo Tan, Meng Li, Sungsu Park, Peter Lau, Hongchao Liu, Wei-Bin Zhang: Analysis of Communication Channel Establishment in a Transit Signal Priority System. MUE 2007: 484-491
4EEGiovanni B. Varile, Peter Lau: EUROTRA: Practical Experience With A Multilingual Machine Translation System Under Development. ANLP 1988: 160-167
3EERudi Gebruers, Muriel Vasconcellos, Margaret King, Peter Lau, Annely Rothkegel: Book Reviews. Machine Translation 3(2): 157-175 (1988)
2EEGlyn Morrill, Paul Bennett, Peter Lau, George Dunbar, Lee Fedder, Robert E. Frederking, Danny Jones, John S. White, Christoph Zähner, Graham Russell: Book reviews. Machine Translation 3(2): 251-297 (1988)
1EEPeter Lau, Sergei Perschke: MORPHOLOGY in the EUROTRA BASE LEVEL CONCEPT. EACL 1987: 19-25

Coauthor Index

1Paul Bennett [2]
2George Dunbar [2]
3Lee Fedder [2]
4Robert E. Frederking [2]
5Rudi Gebruers [3]
6Danny Jones [2]
7Margaret King [3]
8Meng Li [5]
9Hongchao Liu [5] [6]
10Glyn Morrill [2]
11Sungsu Park [5] [6]
12Sergei Perschke [1]
13Annely Rothkegel [3]
14Graham Russell [2]
15Chin-Woo Tan [5] [6]
16Giovanni B. Varile [4]
17Muriel Vasconcellos [3]
18John S. White [2]
19Qing Xu [6]
20Christoph Zähner [2]
21Wei-Bin Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)