
Giovanni B. Varile

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8EERoberto Cencioni, Giovanni B. Varile: Language Processing R&D Programmes Directorate XIII E of the European Commission. HLT 1994
7EELuís Damas, Giovanni B. Varile: On the Satisfiability of Complex Constraints. COLING 1992: 108-112
6EELuís Damas, Giovanni B. Varile, Nelma Moreira: The Formal and Processing Models of CLG. EACL 1991: 173-178
5EESergio Balari, Giovanni B. Varile, Luís Damas, Nelma Moreira: CLG(n): Constraint Logic Grammars. COLING 1990: 7-12
4 Luís Damas, Giovanni B. Varile: CLG: A Grammar Formalism Based on Constraint Reslution. EPIA 1989: 175-186
3EEGiovanni B. Varile, Peter Lau: EUROTRA: Practical Experience With A Multilingual Machine Translation System Under Development. ANLP 1988: 160-167
2EEDominique Petitpierre, Steven Krauwer, Louis des Tombe, Doug Arnold, Giovanni B. Varile: A Model For Preference. EACL 1987: 134-139
1 D. J. Arnold, Steven Krauwer, Mike Rosner, Louis des Tombe, Giovanni B. Varile: The <C, A>, T Framework in Eurotra: A Theoretically Committed Notation for MT. COLING 1986: 297-303

Coauthor Index

1D. J. Arnold [1]
2Doug Arnold [2]
3Sergio Balari [5]
4Roberto Cencioni [8]
5Luís Damas [4] [5] [6] [7]
6Steven Krauwer [1] [2]
7Peter Lau [3]
8Nelma Moreira [5] [6]
9Dominique Petitpierre [2]
10Mike Rosner [1]
11Louis des Tombe [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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