
Graham Russell

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13EEGraham Russell, George F. Foster, Ngoc Tran Nguyen: Automatic Detection of Translation Errors: The State of the Art. HLT/EMNLP 2005
12EEElliott Macklovitch, Graham Russell: What's Been Forgotten in Translation Memory. AMTA 2000: 137-146
11EEAfzal Ballim, Graham Russell: LHIP: Extended DCGs for Configurable Robust Parsing. COLING 1994: 501-507
10EEPierrette Bouillon, Katharina Boesefeldt, Graham Russell: Compound Nouns in a Unification-Based MT System. ANLP 1992: 209-215
9 Graham Russell, Afzal Ballim, John Carroll, Susan Warwick-Armstrong: A Practical Approach to Multiple Default Inheritance for Unification-Based Lexicons. Computational Linguistics 18(3): 311-337 (1992)
8 Graham Russell, John Carroll, Susan Warwick-Armstrong: Multipe Default Inheritance in a Unification-Based Lexicon. ACL 1991: 216-221
7EEGraham Russell, Afzal Ballim, Dominique Estival, Susan Warwick-Armstrong: A Language for the Statement of Binary Relations over Feature Structures. EACL 1991: 287-292
6 Graham Russell, Susan Warwick-Armstrong, John Carroll: Asymmetry in Parsing and Generating with Unification Grammars: Case Studies from ELU. ACL 1990: 205-211
5EEGlyn Morrill, Paul Bennett, Peter Lau, George Dunbar, Lee Fedder, Robert E. Frederking, Danny Jones, John S. White, Christoph Zähner, Graham Russell: Book reviews. Machine Translation 3(2): 251-297 (1988)
4EEGlyn Morrill, John S. White, Christoph Zähner, Graham Russell: Book reviews. Machine Translation 3(3-4): 251-297 (1988)
3EEAlan W. Black, Graeme D. Ritchie, Stephen G. Pulman, Graham Russell: Formalisms For Morphographemic Description. EACL 1987: 11-18
2 Graeme D. Ritchie, Stephen G. Pulman, Alan W. Black, Graham Russell: A Computational Framework for Lexical Description. Computational Linguistics 13(3-4): 290-307 (1987)
1 Graham Russell, Stephen G. Pulman, Graeme D. Ritchie, Alan W. Black: A Dictionary and Morphological Analyser for English. COLING 1986: 277-279

Coauthor Index

1Afzal Ballim [7] [9] [11]
2Paul Bennett [5]
3Alan W. Black [1] [2] [3]
4Katharina Boesefeldt [10]
5Pierrette Bouillon [10]
6John A. Carroll (John Carroll) [6] [8] [9]
7George Dunbar [5]
8Dominique Estival [7]
9Lee Fedder [5]
10George F. Foster [13]
11Robert E. Frederking [5]
12Danny Jones [5]
13Peter Lau [5]
14Elliott Macklovitch [12]
15Glyn Morrill [4] [5]
16Ngoc Tran Nguyen [13]
17Stephen G. Pulman [1] [2] [3]
18Graeme D. Ritchie [1] [2] [3]
19Susan Warwick-Armstrong [6] [7] [8] [9]
20John S. White [4] [5]
21Christoph Zähner [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)