
Nicola Apollonio

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5EENicola Apollonio, Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Bruno Simeone, Justo Puerto: Polynomial algorithms for partitioning a tree into single-center subtrees to minimize flat service costs. Networks 51(1): 78-89 (2008)
4EENicola Apollonio, Paolo Giulio Franciosa: A characterization of partial directed line graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(21): 2598-2614 (2007)
3EENicola Apollonio, András Sebö: Minsquare Factors and Maxfix Covers of Graphs. IPCO 2004: 388-400
2EENicola Apollonio, Massimiliano Caramia, Giuseppe F. Italiano: A Stochastic Location Problem with Applications to Tele-diagnostic. WG 2004: 201-213
1EENicola Apollonio, Lou Caccetta, Bruno Simeone: Cardinality constrained path covering problems in grid graphs. Networks 44(2): 120-131 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Lou Caccetta (Louis Caccetta) [1]
2Massimiliano Caramia [2]
3Paolo Giulio Franciosa [4]
4Giuseppe F. Italiano [2]
5Isabella Lari [5]
6Justo Puerto [5]
7Federica Ricca [5]
8András Sebö [3]
9Bruno Simeone [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)