
B. Kalantari

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5EEB. Kalantari, Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Bruno Simeone: On the complexity of general matrix scaling and entropy minimization via the RAS algorithm. Math. Program. 112(2): 371-401 (2008)
4EEB. Kalantari, Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi: Magic labeling in graphs: Bounds, complexity, and an application to a variant of TSP. Networks 28(4): 211-219 (1996)
3 B. Kalantari: Karmarkar's Algorithm with Improved Steps. Math. Program. 46: 73-78 (1990)
2EEMichael D. Grigoriadis, B. Kalantari: A new class of heuristic algorithms for weighted perfect matching. J. ACM 35(4): 769-776 (1988)
1 Michael D. Grigoriadis, B. Kalantari: A Lower Bound to the Complexity of Euclidean and Rectilinear Matching Algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 22(2): 73-76 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Michael D. Grigoriadis [1] [2]
2Gholamreza B. Khosrovshahi [4]
3Isabella Lari [5]
4Federica Ricca [5]
5Bruno Simeone [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)