
Eric Laporte

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15EEEric Laporte, Elisabete Ranchhod, Anastasia Yannacopoulou: Syntactic variation of support verb constructions CoRR abs/0902.3072: (2009)
14EEIvan Berlocher, Hyun-Gue Huh, Eric Laporte, Jee-Sun Nam: Morphological annotation of Korean with Directly Maintainable Resources CoRR abs/0711.3412: (2007)
13EEEric Laporte: Lexicon management and standard formats CoRR abs/0711.3449: (2007)
12EEEric Laporte: In memoriam Maurice Gross CoRR abs/0711.3452: (2007)
11EEHyun-Gue Huh, Eric Laporte: A resource-based Korean morphological annotation system CoRR abs/0711.3453: (2007)
10EEEric Laporte, Sébastien Paumier: Graphes paramétrés et outils de lexicalisation CoRR abs/0711.3454: (2007)
9EEEric Laporte: Evaluation of a Grammar of French Determiners CoRR abs/0711.3457: (2007)
8EEEric Laporte, Christian Leclère, Maria Carmelita Dias: Very strict selectional restrictions CoRR abs/0711.3605: (2007)
7EEOlivier Blanc, Matthieu Constant, Eric Laporte: Outilex, plate-forme logicielle de traitement de textes écrits CoRR abs/0711.3691: (2007)
6EEEric Laporte, Christian Leclère, Maria Carmelita Dias: Very Strict Selectional Restrictions: A Comparison Between Portuguese and French. PROPOR 2006: 225-228
5EEAlicia Casals, Manel Frigola, Josep Amat, Eric Laporte: Quasi Hands Free Interaction with a Robot for Online Task Correction. ISER 2004: 175-184
4EEStrahil Ristov, Eric Laporte: A Method for Compressing Lexicons. DCC 2002: 470
3EEStrahil Ristov, Eric Laporte: Ziv Lempel Compression of Huge Natural Language Data Tries Using Suffix Arrays. CPM 1999: 196-211
2 Eric Laporte: Applications of Phonetic Description. Electronic Dictionaries and Automata in Computational Linguistics 1987: 66-78
1 Laurence Danlos, Eric Laporte, Françoise Emerard: Synthesis of Spoken Messages from Semantic Representations. Semantic-Representation-to-Speech System. COLING 1986: 599-604

Coauthor Index

1Josep Amat [5]
2Ivan Berlocher [14]
3Olivier Blanc [7]
4Alicia Casals [5]
5Matthieu Constant [7]
6Laurence Danlos [1]
7Maria Carmelita Dias [6] [8]
8Françoise Emerard [1]
9Manel Frigola [5]
10Hyun-Gue Huh [11] [14]
11Christian Leclère [6] [8]
12Jee-Sun Nam [14]
13Sébastien Paumier [10]
14Elisabete Ranchhod [15]
15Strahil Ristov [3] [4]
16Anastasia Yannacopoulou [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)