
Djitt Laowattana

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6EEPasan Kulvanit, Nachol Chaiyaratana, Djitt Laowattana: Biped fast walking gait shaping via evolutionary multi-objective optimization. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 4019-4026
5EEPasan Kulvanit, Theera Piroonratana, Nachol Chaiyaratana, Djitt Laowattana: Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation by Diversity Control. CSR 2006: 447-456
4EEPanrasee Ritthipravat, Thavida Maneewarn, Jeremy Wyatt, Djitt Laowattana: Fuzzy-Q Knowledge Sharing Techniques with Expertness Measures: Comparison and Analysis. CSR 2006: 544-554
3EEPanrasee Ritthipravat, Thavida Maneewarn, Jeremy Wyatt, Djitt Laowattana: Comparison and Analysis of Expertness Measure in Knowledge Sharing Among Robots. IEA/AIE 2006: 60-69
2EEPanrasee Ritthipravat, Djitt Laowattana, Jeremy Wyatt: A modified approach to fuzzy Q learning for mobile robots. SMC (3) 2004: 2350-2356
1 Panrasee Ritthipravat, Thavida Maneewarn, Djitt Laowattana: Maintaining Spatial Relations among Robots using Formation Sensitivity Measure. Robotics and Applications 2003: 1-6

Coauthor Index

1Nachol Chaiyaratana [5] [6]
2Pasan Kulvanit [5] [6]
3Thavida Maneewarn [1] [3] [4]
4Theera Piroonratana [5]
5Panrasee Ritthipravat [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Jeremy Wyatt [2] [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)