
Anders Landin

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10EEJim Nilsson, Anders Landin, Per Stenström: The Coherence Predictor Cache: A Resource-Efficient and Accurate Coherence Prediction Infrastructure. IPDPS 2003: 10
9EEFredrik Dahlgren, Anders Landin: Reducing the Replacement Overhead in Bus-Based COMA Multiprocessors. HPCA 1997: 14-23
8EEAnders Landin, Mattias Karlgren: A Study of the Efficiency of Shared Attraction Memories in Cluster-Based COMA Multiprocessors. IPPS 1997: 1-7
7EEAnders Landin, Fredrik Dahlgren: Bus-Based COMA - Reducing Traffic in Shared-Bus Multiprocessors. HPCA 1996: 95-105
6 Ashley Saulsbury, Tim Wilkinson, John B. Carter, Anders Landin: An Argument for Simple COMA. HPCA 1995: 276-285
5 Erik Hagersten, Ashley Saulsbury, Anders Landin: Simple COMA Node Implementations. HICSS (1) 1994: 522-533
4 Peter S. Magnusson, Anders Landin, Erik Hagersten: Queue Locks on Cache Coherent Multiprocessors. IPPS 1994: 165-171
3 Erik Hagersten, Mats Grindal, Anders Landin, Ashley Saulsbury, Bengt Werner, Seif Haridi: Simulating the Data Diffusion Machine. PARLE 1993: 24-41
2 Erik Hagersten, Anders Landin, Seif Haridi: DDM - A Cache-Only Memory Architecture. IEEE Computer 25(9): 44-54 (1992)
1EEAnders Landin, Erik Hagersten, Seif Haridi: Race-Free Interconnection Networks and Multiprocessor Consistency. ISCA 1991: 106-115

Coauthor Index

1John B. Carter [6]
2Fredrik Dahlgren [7] [9]
3Mats Grindal [3]
4Erik Hagersten [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Seif Haridi [1] [2] [3]
6Mattias Karlgren [8]
7Peter S. Magnusson [4]
8Jim Nilsson [10]
9Ashley Saulsbury [3] [5] [6]
10Per Stenström [10]
11Bengt Werner [3]
12Tim Wilkinson [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)