
Wim Lamotte

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22EEMaarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte: Managing client bandwidth in the presence of both real-time and non real-time network traffic. COMSWARE 2008: 442-450
21 Tom Jehaes, Wim Lamotte, Klaas Tack: Objective Quality Selection for Hybrid LOD Models. GRAPP 2008: 241-248
20EEFabian Di Fiore, Peter Quax, Cedric Vanaken, Wim Lamotte, Frank Van Reeth: Conveying Emotions through Facially Animated Avatars in Networked Virtual Environments. MIG 2008: 222-233
19EEMaarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte, Bart De Vleeschauwer, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester, Peter Lambert, Dieter Van de Walle, Jan De Cock, Stijn Notebaert, Rik Van de Walle: Optimizing user QoE through overlay routing, bandwidth management and dynamic transcoding. WOWMOM 2008: 1-7
18EEPieter Jorissen, Fabian Di Fiore, Gert Vansichem, Wim Lamotte: A Virtual Interactive Community Platform Supporting Education for Long-Term Sick Children. CDVE 2007: 58-69
17EEMaarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte: The NIProxy: a Flexible Proxy Server Supporting Client Bandwidth Management and Multimedia Service Provision. WOWMOM 2007: 1-9
16EEPeter Quax, Bjorn Geuns, Tom Jehaes, Wim Lamotte, Gert Vansichem: On the Applicability of Remote Rendering of Networked Virtual Environments on Mobile Devices. ICSNC 2006: 16
15EEPieter Jorissen, Joan De Boeck, Wim Lamotte: Bringing haptics and physical simulation together: haptic travel through physical worlds. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 17(3-4): 179-187 (2006)
14EEMaarten Wijnants, Patrick Monsieurs, Peter Quax, Wim Lamotte: Exploiting Proxy-Based Transcoding to Increase the User Quality of Experience in Networked Applications. AAA-IDEA 2005: 73-80
13EETom Jehaes, Peter Quax, Wim Lamotte: Adapting a large scale networked virtual environment for display on a PDA. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 217-220
12EEPatrick Monsieurs, Maarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte: Client-Controlled QoS Management in Networked Virtual Environments. ICN (1) 2005: 268-276
11 Peter Quax, Tom Jehaes, Maarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte: Mobile Adaptations for a Multi-User Framework Supporting Video-based Avatars. IMSA 2005: 412-417
10 Peter Quax, Maarten Wijnants, Tom Jehaes, Wim Lamotte: Bridging the Gap between Fixed and Mobile Access to an Audio/Video-Enabled Large-Scale NVE. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 63-68
9EEPieter Jorissen, Maarten Wijnants, Wim Lamotte: Dynamic Interactions in Physically Realistic Collaborative Virtual Environments. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(6): 649-660 (2005)
8EEPeter Quax, Patrick Monsieurs, Wim Lamotte: Performance evaluation of client-side video stream quality selection using autonomous avatars. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 251-256
7 Peter Quax, Tom Jehaes, Chris Flerackers, Wim Lamotte: Scalable transmission of avatar video streams in virtual environments. ICME 2004: 631-634
6EEPeter Quax, Patrick Monsieurs, Wim Lamotte, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Natalie Degrande: Objective and subjective evaluation of the influence of small amounts of delay and jitter on a recent first person shooter game. NETGAMES 2004: 152-156
5EETom Jehaes, Peter Quax, Wim Lamotte: Analysis of scalable data streams for representations in networked virtual environments. NETGAMES 2004: 167
4EEPieter Jorissen, Wim Lamotte: A Framework Supporting General Object Interactions for Dynamic Virtual Worlds. Smart Graphics 2004: 154-158
3EEPeter Quax, Tom Jehaes, Pieter Jorissen, Wim Lamotte: A multi-user framework supporting video-based avatars. NETGAMES 2003: 137-147
2EEJori Liesenborgs, Peter Quax, Wim Lamotte, Frank Van Reeth: Designing a Virtual Environment for Large Audiences. ICOIN (2) 2002: 585-595
1EEJori Liesenborgs, Wim Lamotte, Frank Van Reeth: Voice over IP with JVOIPLIB and JRTPLIB. LCN 2001: 346-347

Coauthor Index

1Joan De Boeck [15]
2Jan De Cock [19]
3Natalie Degrande [6]
4Piet Demeester [19]
5Bart Dhoedt [19]
6Fabian Di Fiore [18] [20]
7Chris Flerackers [7]
8Bjorn Geuns [16]
9Tom Jehaes [3] [5] [7] [10] [11] [13] [16] [21]
10Pieter Jorissen [3] [4] [9] [15] [18]
11Peter Lambert [19]
12Jori Liesenborgs [1] [2]
13Patrick Monsieurs [6] [8] [12] [14]
14Stijn Notebaert [19]
15Peter Quax [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [14] [16] [20]
16Frank Van Reeth [1] [2] [20]
17Klaas Tack [21]
18Filip De Turck [19]
19Cedric Vanaken [20]
20Gert Vansichem [16] [18]
21Bart De Vleeschauwer [19]
22Danny De Vleeschauwer [6]
23Dieter Van de Walle [19]
24Rik Van de Walle [19]
25Maarten Wijnants [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [17] [19] [22]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)